JDM culture

V 1.0 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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German :

Hello friends, I present to you the skin before JDM culture. To do this you unpacked the Zip and adds Japan Paint job in your modfolder pure. Have fun with the paint. A look at it on my channel Octa's Gamplay past because you can find the paint well or clikt here on the video


hi pals here my new skin for the RJL Scania R JDM culture. Just unpack the zip and introduce Japan Paint job in your mod folder

have fun guys with the new paintjob

? Române te:

Salutare, dragi prieteni! Astazi va prezint noua vopsea JDM culture. Despachetati zipul si introduceti Japan Paint Job in mod folder.



Modell: RJL
Textur: Octavian Heliosense
Idee / Konzept: Octavian Heliosense
Tester: Octavian Heliosense Octa's gameplay

  • 08 Apr 13:49
    Version 1.0


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V 1.0
Eurotruck Simulator 2
JDM culture.zip
630 KB 318
08. 04 2016 318

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