EN: Welcome, today Team TMP liberates you first V1 BETA Test JCB 4CX.
This is the first BETA Test.
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FR: Bienvenue, aujourd'hui l'equipe TMP vous libére ça premiere V1 BETA Test de la JCB 4Cx.
Ceci est la premiere BETA Test.
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PT: Bem Vindo, aqui Hoje a equipa TMP liberavos a sua primeira V1 BETA Test da JCB 4 Cx.
Esta é uma primeira BETA Test.
Deixe o seu comentario no nosso Forum:
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Team Modding Portugal-
06 Nov 07:49Version 1.0 Beta
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
by TeamModdingPortugal
ago over 9 years
5 Comments for JCB 4 CX
Please guide me to play the game
The mouse/keyboard controls needs to be revised heavily, othervice good work . . .
Zitoune22 toi ferme la faux moddeur a 2 balles de la ft fifi !
capable de critiquer le travail des autres pauvre rigolo fait en autant
Not bad !!!! Could you improve the textures and add dirty ? that yellow feels so bad .... i will give five stars only if it comes with some improvements that are missing. Thank you, good job.
Pourquoi rendre le mod payant sur votre forum pour le mettre ici GRATUIT????