Original one was by marsoff.
Redesigned, optimized it and added various other very useful things.
Main feature is reload timer and angles for Artillery and Tank Destroyers.
Two aim circles increase ability to hit the target without aiming fully if used correctly.
Outer circle covers 100% of all hits and inner circle covers 68% of all hits.
Custom ingame settings translation available optionally in various languages made by fans.
- crosshair_panel_arcade.swf : Crosshair for arcade mode
- crosshair_panel_sniper.swf : Crosshiar for sniper mode
- crosshair_panel_strategic.swf : Crosshair for Artillery mode
- crosshair_panel_postmortem.swf : Crosshair for dead mode
- crosshair_sniper.swf : Aim circle for arcade and sniper mode
- crosshair_strategic.swf : Aim dots for artillery mode
- crosshairSniper.swf : Installation status at in-garage reticle settings
- GunConstraints.swf : Artillery and Tank Destroyer angles by Shtys
- GunConstraints.xml : Configuration file for angles
- CameraNode.pyc : Required to load custom Python scripts
- _ _init_ _.pyc : Required to load custom Python scripts
- J1mB091.pyc : Python script for crosshair (Thanks to _Kriegstreiber_)
- GunConstraints.pyc : Python script for angles
- avatar_input_handler.xml : Zoom Out mod and gun shake removal
- Copy the "res_mods" folder to:
"\World of Tanks"
- Optional* Copy the "avatar_input_handler.xml" you want from the "optional\ xml\ type" folder to:
"\World of Tanks\res_mods\version\gui"
- Optional* Copy and replace the "crosshair_panel_strategic.swf" you want from the "optional\ arty\ type" folder to:
"\World of Tanks\res_mods\version\gui\scaleform"
- Optional* Copy and replace the CROSSHAIR_SNIPER.SWF you want from the "optional\ aim\ type" folder to:
"\World of Tanks\res_mods\version\gui\scaleform"
- Make a backup of "" in:
"\World of Tanks\res\ text\LC_MESSAGES"
- Copy the "res" folder to:
"\World of Tanks"
09 Apr 11:04Version
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