Special Thanks
@lm2000 : For the re-post and getting my mod back into the community
@vunderguy, @newbiter : For highlighting errors and helpful tips for fixes
Originally uploaded in August 2014, It's been a long time and I'll probably not be involved in the community much. I'm a game addict that tries to quit gaming, the binge purge type gaming, so I'll go months at a time off the games. But, I'm glad people are still enjoying this mod, have fun!
Original Description
The idea is to create an ironman suit that greatly enhances the stats of the soldiers at the cost of lots of research and supplies to get this improvement, as opposed to decking out all your solders quickly with a new upgrade these suits will take a while and lots of elerium among other items, costly and timely to get a few for your soldiers these super suits, but the reward will be worth the effort.
This is a work in progress, as I still plan on cleaning up the graphics, but I wanted to get this beta out so the community could see my idea and I welcome any help on the graphics as I'm not a great artist. The original graphics were taken from the following,
UFOpedia & Soldier Equip graphic <<>>
Battlescape graphics from the colored armor set by shadics I then recolored them with photoshop.
STR_MARK_I_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "Powerful but crude, a prototype offering several notable functionalities. Powered by Elerium, laser cannon hydraulics, and medkit fused bionics technologies amplifying many abilities of the wearer; unfortunately further research in alien cybertronics and high-powered plasma is needed to modify this suit into a fully operational Super Suit."
STR_MARK_II_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "An enhanced version of the Mark I, a fully functional Super Suit that greatly amplifies the speed and strength of the wearer, it offers the best protection for combat troops. Incorporating alien anti-gravity energy shielding and plasma booster rocket propulsion technology to allow quick agile freedom of movement across the battlefield."
Thanks for the great community, all feedback is welcome. This mod is independent and can be used with or without other mods.
Version Release:
- v0.6 -- Intial release.
- v0.61b -- Fixed spelling in ufopedia.
- v0.62b -- Fixed issue where once suits were able to be researched they were also able to be manufactured before research was complete. Fixed issue with death sprite for Mark I using the Mark II death sprite. Also tested with the final mod pack per request from Goth, works great, I had no problems.
- v0.7 -- Fixed typo in Mark II manufacture requirements (could not build it because it would not show up). Fixed STR_PLASMA_CANNON to STR_PLASMA_BEAM under Mark II build required items, no plasma cannon exists its actually plasma beam. No functionality issues now, mod works completely so please provide feedback if you find anything, but I'm taking this off beta status. Not making it v1.0 until I get all the battlescape sprites looking more like Iron man.
-v0.8 -- Fixed Error "offset '1900' exceeds mod size limit 1000 in set", as highlighted by @vunderguy, and fixed thanks to helpful tips from @newbiter
License Information
I hold no license restrictions, anyone is welcome to update or change this mod.
I liked what shadics said "Every modification of this mod, will be welcome!"
My Original Upload :
Re-uploaded : Thanks for the reupload @lm2000 (mod ID: 40757) at
0 Comments for Ironman Super Suit [UFO:EU] for OpenXcom by 0xEBJC