Factory Farm

V 3.9 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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I Hope You All Enjoy My Factory Farm Map V3.6


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This is a Multifruit and Factories Production 4x Map V 3.6


Additional Field Fruits ...


Oat, Rye, Spelled, Tobacco, Peanuts, Triticale, Millet, Onion, Hops, Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Carrot, Hemp, Cotton, Cabbage




Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Coffee Beans, Cocoa Beans


Animal Types ...

Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Enhanced Chickens, Breeding Chickens, Breeding Rabbits




The factories are not working with pallet collectors so they can not get bugged. 1 BDBSSB is built in the map, you can find it in the shop to buy. Another 2 called producttrailer & productFlatbed wants to be included in the zip file. No other trailer wants to be able to pick up the products.


There is a fertilizer and seeds factory with an updated model, you want to be able to fill your seed directly at the factory's as well.


Needed mods in the zip file - (Included)


Grimme Pack for Root Crops




















Product Trailers to Load All Factory Products


Flatbed Product Trailers to Load All Factory Products


Grain Trailer


LKW_RecyleTruck_UAL - Garbage Truck


Animal Transport Multi




Pallet TrailerBD to Load Factory Products built with the Tippers


Fuel Trailer, 1 trailer for all kind of liquids, wants to load fuel from in-game gas stations, wants to load own produced fuel from the Texaco Factory or from the fuel storages, 1 trailer loads only fuel to be found in the misc category


All the mods are INCLUDED in the .zip file, once downloaded UNZIP-ME


Hops and Hemp has to be cut with a maize header





1: Make sure you do not have another map in your mod folder


2: You DO NOT need UPK or any other script for the map, all you need is built in the map.



  • 02 Dec 22:30
    Version 3.9

    Fixed Input Sign at Winery to Grapes
    Added Lowes Selling Point
    Changed Potato Fill Type at Smirnoff
    Changed Potato Texture at Smirnoff
    Added Water as Input for Dominoes
    Added Fuel as Input at Potato Washer
    Added Fuel as Input at Peanut Washer
    Added Fuel as Input at Winery
    Repaired Filltype FatRabbits at Logistic Center
    Repaired Filltype FatChickens at Logistic Center
    Changed Breeding Chicken Input Capacity's
    Changed Breeding Rabbit Input Capacity's
    Repaired Train Track at DelMonte
    Repaired Peanut Washer Textures
    Repaired Potato Washer Textures
    Repaired Beed Seed Wall Flickering
    Removed enter as a Trigger
    Removed exit as a Trigger
    Added Road near the Church
    Added Train Ramp near Kingsford

  • 10 Oct 00:30
    Version 3.6

    Added Peanuts as a Fruit Type
    Removed Peanuts from Multi Greenhouse
    Added Peanuts to Orchard Storage Logistic Area
    Added Peanuts to Orchard Storage Animal Area
    Added Peanuts to Farm Display
    Added Compost Fermentor to Placeable Area
    Added Fertilizer fermented to Placeable Area
    Added Seeds Fermentor to Placeable Area
    Added Liquidations Fertilizer Fermentor to Placeable Area
    Added Visibility Nodes to All Board Factory's
    Added Compost Fermentor to BGA
    Added Fertilizer fermented to BGA
    Added Seeds Fermentor to BGA
    Added Liquidations Fertilizer Fermentor to BGA
    Added Forage Maker On East Side of Map
    Added Pig Food Maker On East Side of Map
    Changed Capacity for Digestive at BGA
    Changed Capacity for Slurry at BGA
    Changed Capacity for Slurry Separator at BGA
    Repaired Capacity Output Del Monte Cherry
    Repaired Capacity Output Del Monte Pear
    Repaired Capacity Output Del Monte Plum
    Changed Capacity for Board Pallets
    Removed some of the Trucks at Truckstop
    Repaired the Trash Pickup Bags
    Added Compost Fermentor to Animal Area
    Added Fertilizer fermented to Animal Area
    Added Seeds Fermentor to Animal Area
    Added Liquidations Fertilizer Fermentor to Animal Area
    Fixed Grass Bald Areas
    Repositioned Potato Washer Sign
    Repaired Textures at Silo 3 Animal Area
    Repaired Texture at Railroad near Forestry Area
    Replaced ALL Road Textures
    Removed Auto Sell Electric
    Add Generators to Power Company as Output
    Repaired All 22 Fields Dimensions
    Added Vehicle Traffic Thru-Out The Map
    Added Extra Parked Vehicles
    Repaired Sound at Milk Pallet Factory
    Repaired Sound at Textile Factory
    Added Road Signs to the Map
    Repaired Product Trailer Errors
    Add worker to Campbells Soup
    Added Peanut Washer
    Added Storage For Washed Peanuts
    Added Washed Peanut Display at Farm
    Changed Grape Vineyard Signs
    Changed GreenHouse Sign
    Changed Winery Sign
    Added 2 Workers to Texaco
    Added Worker to Campbells Soup
    Added Worker at Ocean Spray
    Added Post Office
    Added Misc Stop Signs

  • 08 Aug 19:48
    Version 3.2


08.08 2019
Modhoster user rating
4.67 / 6 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 3.9
Farming Simulator 17
factoryFarmV3.9 UNZIPTHIS.zip
2.38 GB 5193
02. 12 2019 5,193
V 3.6
Farming Simulator 17
factoryFarmV3.6 UNZIPME.zip
2.32 GB 2038
10. 10 2019 2,038
V 3.2
Farming Simulator 17
factoryFarm v3.2 UNZIP-ME.zip
2.05 GB 2284
08. 08 2019 2,284

6 Comments for Factory Farm

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  1. tony2055 23. 03 2024

    Hello Nightcop34
    I have this to say on your map there are only 2 cardboard factories but according to your production list there are supposed to be 3 cardboard factories. I'm wondering if you forgot to put one or can you tell me where it should be.

    Thanks in advance

  2. ray45750 04. 10 2023

    downloaded this map and the fattening chickens and the rabbits triggers arent working and the triggers at the meat factory isnt working to unload the chicken and rabbits could you please fix this

  3. Nightcop34 07. 12 2019

    Ray000: There is NO WAY to shut off the Trash, But if you don't want to pick it up with the Garbage Truck and take it to Waste Management you can just leave it... Once the Trash accumulates 5 bags (Houses) & 10 bags (Factories) it will shut off from making more trash bags.

  4. Nightcop34 07. 12 2019

    byby26 : You Use the Yellow Animal Trailer to buy all animals from the Livestock, Once you put Rabbits or Chickens in the Breeding Factories you will have to use the BD Trailer or Product Trailer to Pick the Pallets up and Transport them to the Meat Factory.

  5. Ray000 17. 10 2019

    Every day his map continues to accumulate recycle bags at each location. Could someone please tell me how to disable this feature. Shut down the trash up.

  6. Ray000 30. 09 2019

    I have version 3.2 Could someone tell me how to get the greenhouse to accept seeds? It will accept compost and water but not seeds.

    1 replies
