featuredInspector (v1.1)
BigBrother for LS.
Do you want to know what other Players are doing? Or you need to keep an eye on your AI helpers?
No problem. This mod shows you all of this in a nice list.
Vehicles included in the list:
- your own vehicle,
- every vehicle that is controlled by a helper,
- every cutter that has something in the grain tank.
Every entry shows the vehicle name, attached appliances, also if the helper is active.
If another player controls it, his name will be shows also (in Multiplayer mode).
Cutters get additional info about what they have in the grain tank and how much (in percent).
Example: (edmund) Lizard 58 + Cutter [H] @65% (Barley)
There is also colour:
- light blue = helper,
- orange = grain tank over 80%,
- white = controlled by a player, if bold, it's controlled by you.
Alt+A - toggle display on/off.
Works with my Switcher, the Inspector list is hidden when Alt is pressed.
27 Oct 21:26Version 1.1
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