Inomatic BT 2017

V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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This is a replica of the Inomatic BT 2017 with 17 free design bar keys for it s. 02. Skinning. For information on installation, please read 01. Rights.


01. Rights:

You may block the BT 2017 in your vehicles, mention me (The_Evilman_hd) in the credits. The re-upload is NOT allowed regardless of whether you have changed something or not!


02. Skinning:

You can skin the control panel. In the “Skinning” folder there is a DDS file and an example assignment (the upper buttons on the control panel are also the upper buttons). You can insert your own text, pictures, etc. into the DDS In the folder “control panel characters” various characters from blue lights to horn (and horn readiness) to lights are represented a lot! Skins for the BT may ONLY be uploaded in connection with vehicles. There are a total of 81 characters! You can already use it!


Modell: Evilman
Textur: Evilman 
Script: Evilman
Idee / Konzept: Evilman
Tester: Evilman
Sonstige: -

  • 27 Jun 00:28
    Version 1

  • 944523
    by Evilman
    ago over 4 years


27.06 2020
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V 1
Farming Simulator 19
240 KB 406
27. 06 2020 406

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