With the horse stable rental mod, you will only provide the stable space and rent it to horse owners.
Your only duty is to provide the necessary food, water and straw for the horses in the stable. The horse owners will take care of everthing else.
They will take their horses for a ride and clean them.
As you are only providing the stable and do not own the horses, you won't be able to ride the horses and to sell them using the stable trigger. Those triggers are deactivated for all horse husbandries, if this mod is enabled.
You are still able to buy and sell horses using the animal shop menu though. If you are interested in the "realism" this mod provides, you shouldn't use the shop to sell the horses of the owners, as they will be unhappy ;-).
Buying horses in the shop also doesn't make sense, while you are using this mod, as that would be a waste of money, since you cannot ride the horse.
Once you buy and place a horse stable, each hour a horse owner will rent a place in your stable until it's at full capacity.
At the end of the day you will receive the rent from the horse owners, which currently is 150.00 $ per horse, per day.
But be careful, make sure that the horses always have food, water and straw available. If there is no food, water or straw available at the end of the day, the horse owners will punish you, by paying less rent.
To change the renting state of a stable, double click on the table entry in the mods menu.
15 Nov 14:58Version 1.0
by B_W_Fan
ago over 2 years
by B_W_Fan
ago over 2 years
by B_W_Fan
ago over 2 years
by B_W_Fan
ago over 2 years
1 Comments for Horse Stable Rental
Der Mod klingt sehr genial aber er sollte mal überarbeitet werden den mittlerweile kann man damit das Spiel nur noch bis 60% laden danach hängt es sich auf. Hoffe das das gefixt wird da ich es so besser finde wen man neben bei geld bekommt und sich nicht so extrem darum kümmern muss für den kleinen gewinn.