On themapyou can finda farm,the cow pasturewith amilk truck,a mill,cogeneration plant,the dairywhereyoucanalsosell themilkitself, andithatsichsettleda landtrade. The cardstill has16 fields, 3pastures, acustomizedPDA, milktrucksandadaptedtrees withoutColli. The sizeof the fieldshasnot changedsolittleequipmentloadfrom the dealer. Unlike theV1youhaveany cowsat the beginning oftheoneyouhaveweckgenommenbecause of BSE She now hasabiogas plant.But you canstill sellyourchaffon the farmin theErdsilo's. It has thestandard, oats, ryeandtriticaleas afruit. But you needonlytheSupersilotriggerandMapDoorTriggerasmodanythinglikePDA andmulti fruitMapFrutsareincludedin it. Themanure andGüllemodcame aboutanditisnowevenricherdetail. Forsuggestions, I'm stillwilling to listen. Trouble ofany kind of grain, cornandcanola. CHP/manureand slurry Dairy/milk Yard/chaffand grass Commercialland/crops, cornand canola andBGA For theBGAyourneedsHeady[PLANETLS.de]scriptseverything elseyou needfor the cardis includedwith.
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