
V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Here I present to you my Hochblauen Map.

It is a landscape that has emerged from my imagination and so reflects no real landscape.

On the map is still sunflower, oats and rye can also be grown in addition to the standard fruits. A pig and fattening calves are fitted on the map.

The GülleMistKalkMod, and the WaterMod, wool palette Collector and the compound feed station of Marhu are also available on the map.

There are a fries and a sugar factory, equipped with an industry. Here, then, fries and sugar are produced which can then be sold.

A Sandrgube, when you load sand and then on camping sale may again is to find on the map also. A fenced-site was created for afforestation.

In its vicinity is the sawing, the wood chips and the chips factory warehouse is out of the Forstmod.

Support to the map gets her on www.Qualitaetsmods.de

Unloading points are installed the following on the map:


- Wheat
- Barley
- Rape
- Sunflower
- Oats
- Rye


- Wheat
- Barley
- Rape
- Corn
- Potatoes
- Sugar beet

Freight station:

- Wheat
- Barley
- Rape
- Corn

Country Trade:

- Wheat
- Barley
- Rape
- Sunflower
- Oats
- Rye


- Wool pallets


- Swine
- Calves

Net market:

- Sugar
- French

French factory:

- Potatoes

Sugar factory:

- Sugar beet


- French
- Potatoes

A BGA and a biomass power plant can also be found on the map. In the latter, the excess manure and the manure can be converted to cash.

In order to harvest and transport the new fruit can, I have compiled a modpack.


This includes:

Deutz Drescher 7545
Trailer for the fruits
Trucks for fries and sugar

The following additional mods are still needed to make everything work correctly on the map:

Required mods:

Trailer for Sand: http://qualitaetsmods.de/filebase/index.php/Entry/42-Gilibert-Spezial/
MapDoorTrigger: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/mapdoortrigger--10
GülleMistKalk: http://uploaded.net/file/9vmo4idn
Pda_Fix: http://www.file-upload.net/download-8507451/PDAfix.zip.html
Light: http://www.modhoster.de/mods/map-ampeln--2
MapHoseRefStation: http://fs-uk.com/mods/view/32103
Sound for Winräder: http://www.file-upload.net/download-7456019/windmill.wav.html

The windmill.wav file belongs here:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Farming Simulator 2013 \ data \ maps \ sounds

If it's not there is output in the log an error but does not affect the game.

For the manure transportation to the power plant, a trailer can be used from this pack:

And for manure transport, this:

These two mods are only suggestions because I've done with these good experiences. It is of course subject to any other use.

I would like to thank all the modders whose objects I have installed on the map.

Should discover objects of someone on the map and it is not listed in the credits, so he should not hesitate to contact me and I wear it then.

A special thanks goes to the entire team of the Qualitaetsmods has tested the map.

And now I wish a lot of fun on the Hochblauen Map.

Visit me sometimes on my Facebook page. There I always post pictures and info about my projects. If you want to leave some may of course also like me. ;-)

Baden Bauer's Facebook page

It is not permitted to make a modified version for download.
The map may only be offered using the original download link on other pages.
The map 'may be Offered only using the original download link on other sites.


Map: BadenBauer
Kraftwerkskühlturm: Nubsi
Sandgrube: Nubsi
Forsschranke: Repi
Silo: power74de
Landhandel: PaPa
Schweinemast: PaPa
Mühle: rebuild by PaPa
Forstgebäude: BlackJack, Katsuo, Börndi, rafftnix
Straßen: Fatian
Bogenbrücke: Fatian
Schilder: Nick98.1
Strohkraftwerk: BigM
Stall: Softfox
BGA: Stonebracker
Windrad: Manuel
Bauernhaus: KundS Modding
Baumset: Raptor5
Netto: Hewaa
und Watermod: Marhu
Hoftankstelle: Fendtfan1
diverse Gebäude: BernieSCS
Waage u.Digitalanzeige: Blacky_BPG
Rindermast: Ls-2013Modding,Timber131,Marhu,Alex2009

  • 20 Oct 21:17
    Version 2.0

    Änderungen zur V1

    - SoilMod
    - ChoppedStraw
    - Neue BGA
    - Neue Fläche für den Forstmod (ist jetzt bei dem Wald wo sich die Sandgrube befindet)
    - kleinere Fehler beseitigt

  • 01 Aug 22:34
    Version 1.0


checksum: a137d7f9c0917f05037e62a9a9d5913b
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: BadenBauer
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Hochblauen Map
description in shop: Dies ist die Hochblauen Map.

01.08 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.41 / 69 Votes


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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2013
274 MB 4358
20. 10 2014 4,358
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
250 MB 7227
01. 08 2014 7,227

1 Comments for Hochblauen

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  1. Rolow 04. 08 2014

    Rokki vielen dank. ich habe nur einer frage. Die map lags wen ich in der hof bin. in jedere Auflösung. ist das nur Mich oder kann ich etwas tuen?

    1 replies
