Herlefeld Map

V 2 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Hay Hay Herlefeld friends:)

After a long long wait time is finally here - the Herlefeldmap is released. We hope the last day you've all survived well. But now I let the map speak for itself.


You can find many feautes on the map as e.g. a highway with moving traffic! ALSO IN MP!

Furthermore, is it, for those who want to have no biogas plant, a timber yard on the map. WHEN IS THE WOOD IS MODSORDNER BGA IN PLACE AND THE WAY TO THE POINT SYSTEM BIOGAS.

Here again a few small details to the map
     - FULL MP Ready
     - Highway to MP
     - BGA (alternativ. timber yard)
     - Raiffeisen grain sales
     - And and and



Required Mods:
MapSuperSiloTrigger http://www.modhoster.de/mods/mapsupersilotrigger
BGA scripts by Heady





-MilkTruck now runs properly and does not leave us hanging.
Dealers place vergrößtert
Manhole cover removed with Colli-
-Lanterns away on the road
Map-enhanced and added new cow pasture
-Fixed problem with lock up game
Silo-exchanged at the court
Silo located on a small farm
Grass-away on the road
PDA and re-created with numbers
Fox-Alpha Map Viewer compatible
Trees replaced
Clip distances adjusted
Biogas plants fix - Eifok scale works now
and various minor fixes


In addition there are 2 scripts included in the map.rar


Other facilities include a well-structured PDA on which one can orient themselves quickly and safely.

Regards, Daniel and Niklas





MAP MAY ONLY BE OFFERED TO ORIGINAL LINK! No reconstruction without permission!


SourceWorks & Desperados93

Noch vielen dank an die leute deren Objekte wir verwendet haben. Eine Readme + Credits liegen bei der map bei - ich hoffe niemand wurde vergessen ;)

Kühe von Maxter

  • 14 Dec 11:47
    Version 2


checksum: 2bfa876ba2398b91ec4ff1d638fe6bbe
Version: 2
multiplayer ready? no
Author: SourceWorks and Desperados93
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Herlefeld
description in shop: Willkommen in Herlefeld!
checksum: 2bfa876ba2398b91ec4ff1d638fe6bbe
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Desperados93
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Herlefeld
description in shop: Willkommen in Herlefeld!
checksum: 2bfa876ba2398b91ec4ff1d638fe6bbe
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Desperados93
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Herlefeld
description in shop: Willkommen in Herlefeld!

14.12 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.57 / 174 Votes


nach 103 Stimmen

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V 2
Farming Simulator 2011
Herlefeld v2_EXTRACT.rar
103 MB 37100
14. 12 2011 37,100

12 Comments for Herlefeld Map

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  1. LooRd_F 03. 03 2013

    Gibts auf der map auch ne Feuerwehr ??

  2. maninblack1 07. 08 2012

    HILFE ich kann mein getreide nirgends aus den silos holen jetzt hab ich über 100t weizen eingelagert und komm nicht mehr dran bitte schnell um HILFE

  3. cooler map aber wiso ist dioe bga nicht da

    1 replies

  4. marci789 18. 02 2012

    wo sind die silos???

  5. Grzegorz89 14. 01 2012

    Super Mapa.Pozdrowienia z Polski. ;-)

  6. gauckler 31. 12 2011

    This could be the best map ever, there's only one thing wrong: cows don't pasture in the farm near the village, but they pasture in the classic cow zone as in the original map. Is it possible to fix this probelm?

  7. 7uP 24. 12 2011

    Can someone add sugarbeet and potato??? :D

  8. Kristoffer 23. 12 2011

    I have a problem. That there is no pressing Escape and can not be to produce the map. Help me .. What is the error? Otherwise, it seems a top map

  9. also ich find die map scho echt hammer großes lop an den modder

  10. ernish94 15. 12 2011

    how to open the doors to BGA?

    1 replies

  11. David_85 14. 12 2011

    also die map is ja cool aber ich find die biogasanlage nicht

  12. Nissen13 14. 12 2011

    My mp playing working in 5 min and that close down?:(
