Welcome To Heimbygda
This a Norwegian Fictional map called 'Heimbygda', in english the word 'heimbygda' means 'hometown'. I have been working on this map since the start of fs22 it has been a lot of work and it is finally ready for it's first release.
On this map i wanted to do something different, i have kinda gathered information and insparation from all around norway and made it into one map.
on heimbygda most stuff are fictionary and made specific for this map. The company brands/logos, NPC names, places around the map are all fictionary. Most of the buildings on this map are made by me, except for some buildings here and there. Some of the objects are allso custom made for this map.
If u like Forestry, normal farming, mining, and if u like it challenging, like hills and hilly terrain, challenging roads, to fill water u have to go to the water station on the map coz you cant fill water from the lake or the river for example, this is the map for you.
Some Of the Features On Heimbygda:
- Some custom buildings & objects
- Suitable for terrafarm
- custom environment sounds
- Collectibles
- productions & sellpoints
- 46 farmlands
- 21 Fields
+ much more
I hope Y'All enjoy it and
happy farming. :)
04 Aug 10:58Version
by ichbinaucheiner
ago 8 months
by ichbinaucheiner
ago 8 months
by ichbinaucheiner
ago 8 months
by ichbinaucheiner
ago 8 months
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