Tyrolean Hall
I would like to introduce you to my Tyrolean Hall for the agricultural simulator 2017. I have invested a lot of time in the mod and I hope it was not quite otherwise. I tried to make the mod as good as it allows my abilities as a modder. I hope the Mod has succeeded me.
Important information
animated roller blinds
animated windows
animated doors
plenty of space for machines or pallets
freely placeable
I would like to thank all members of the South Tyrol Modding team and all my fans who are behind me. You are the best. A big thank you goes to everyone who is always at my side, Dankeschön J
The mod may only be modified and re-uploaded with permission. Please use the original link!
Visit me on the side of South Tyrol modding and give a thumbs up: I would be pleased.
If you want to reward me and my work, then donate a donation because I would be very happy
Sincerely from South Tyrol, South Tyrolean farmers
Modell: Südtirolerbauer, Niggels (Lichtschalter), Giants
Textur: Südtirolerbauer, Niggels (Lichtschalter), Giants
Script: Südtirolerbauer
Idee / Konzept: Südtirolerbauer
Tester: Südtirolerbauer
04 Oct 20:28Version 1.0
by südtirolerbauer
ago over 7 years
by südtirolerbauer
ago over 7 years
by südtirolerbauer
ago over 7 years
by südtirolerbauer
ago over 7 years
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