Halfpipe Pack incl. Thalhammer trough
What can the Halfpipe Pack ?
*Everything that a halfpipe should be able to ... *
- Brand choice Thalhammer
- Brand choice Pronar
- Brand choice Mammut, versch. Design possibilities.
- Brand choice Krampe, versch. Design possibilities.
- Tire choice
- Bodywork with Maya 3d program
We thank the AGRAR-Technik Thalhammer for the extensive information provision and release for this mod.
The use of copyrighted resources requires written permission from the copyright holder.
This was granted to Pfuscher Garage for non-commercial purposes.
Furthermore a big thanks to all testers as well as to the Gloriouse stream team of Nastus1 !!!
Credits .:
Pfuscher - Garage
Butters Tuning Schmiede / BTS
The download link is only ORIGINAL if it is a NON profit link at Workupload ! ! ! !
Credits .:
Pfuscher - Garage
Butters Tuning Schmiede / BTS
22 Jan 14:42Version