Hagenstedt Modified 2013

V 3.2.0 + 3.2.1 Update mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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I want to be equal to an anticipated release :

This card was made by my own tastes and ideas , some people have brought to me ideas which I then also realized that , but basically the card is as I want it . I will convert the card for anyone or anything that card is just as I like it. Who it does not fit or who do not like the card along with their features, they must not download , I do not force anyone to downloading this map and certainly not to play them.
For constructive criticism, I am of course open!

I ask each before he asks a question to the card and its functions , through to at least read the description along with the HM13 FAQ and help thread. So should normally be answered dei most questions .

I will not answer questions that are discussed in the description or the Help Thread !
Also, I will not answer support requests by PM or by comment card function , this is the release thread there. I'm also assuming that everyone here reads this description AT LEAST so he knows the basic things in advance ! If you can not read (which there really !) Which can be please read this so he knows what it is and what's coming !
So , I hope you all have Got far , here's the what is at stake here ... Download Link , FAQ, and as you report an error to follow NOW :

Oh no moment , I forgot one :
Support only in the release forum , not in other forums , not in other forums via PM , not on other sites via PM ... And please people , be reasonable once : DO NOT REUPLOAD , uses the original download link is not so difficult .


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Which version do I need to play the card to play?
It is at least the 2.0 Beta 1 patch by LS13 needed , but it is always better to use the latest patch !

Rotting fruits on this map ?
No, the rotting of fruits on this map is currently disabled. Whether it will be enabled again I do not know.

The time can not be set faster than 5 times !
Then everything works correctly , because this is intended.

With which devices can I edit / use the new fruits ?
Every normal Drescher, any normal cutting (no corn head ) , each and every Sähmaschine trailer / trailer can use the new silo fruits . Onions and carrots can only be used by specially adapted versions of sowing and Erntern and trailers.

For what fruit I need what equipment ?
Each Silofrucht , apart from maize times can be edited / used with a normal cutter , thresher , trailer and Sähmaschine , as fertilizer and seed. Oats , rye , millet , spelled, soybeans and poppy are not a problem for these devices. Only onions and carrots, as well as potatoes and sugar beet, require special equipment .

I can not open the shop or the shop closes immediately when ever I try to open it .
To open the shop must already go to the dealer / go and enter the sales area, go there to buy icon and press the appropriate key (default key assignment R) . This is by design .

If I put my vehicles back they are not in the yard ?
That is correct , they are the merchants in the yard or on the deck. This is by design.

My tractor / thresher runs slower than on other cards !
Since there are 2 options:
Check -wheel , all-wheel switch if necessary
The vehicle has been damaged , the more the damage is , the slower the vehicle , the other also increases the fuel consumption with higher damage. Remedy is then to repair the vehicle.

A vehicle / equipment is damaged to 100% and can not be removed , what to do?
There is a repair service or towing needs , see Help thread , there are corresponding vehicles linked .

Do I need special trailer to the water and fuel tanks to be filled at the court ?
No, it can be used the original GIANTS trailer , but I recommend for larger quantities the Kaweco Pack

I can not fill the fuel trailer at the gas station !
Trailer which can carry fuel tanks are filled to appropriate , at refueling points . Tanks for filling of trailers are available at the Agrola gas station in the village and the tank farm at the port.



I found a mistake ! ( How do I report bugs)

Error Description | When, Where , What has been done
If necessary evidence / possible with a screenshot
If it is not just a graphic error placing an act or a log file must be linked with !
This log file should however to keep things clear , not be included in the post as text but best at a file hoster ( are enough of them free ) uploaded and a link will be inserted in the posting.
Then have a little patience , I do not sit 24 hours before my PC !

And still what , this is important gaaannnzzz :
Exclude the error is at Fremdmods , ie :

If an error occurs then all other mods are NOT supplied by me or the installer will remove links from the mods directory . The error still occurs , even without these mods THEN , and only THEN really , the problem is to post !



The whole package I packed in a handy installer , some call it setup file , whatever ... this installer is self-explanatory , the course assumes that one also reads what is displayed in the options !
I 'm certainly not like " How do I get the back and toggled back out " Danish ***** respond to such questions / comments about .

Generally I use a healthy human mind BEFORE , so at the time of the download and installation, and also WHILE playing on this map ahead!

Who cares that he was to get from me to the map support register in my forum must the one be said: IT'S FREE , ABSOLUTELY FREE , COST NOTHING , DOES NOT interested WEH IS YOUTH FREE, NOTHING ILLEGAL , TOTALLY HARMLESS !


In Karte integriert
Giants für alles was von Giants kommt und das Spiel selbst natürlich
Gülle und Mist Mod by TMT-Team
MapSiloBand, Hühnerstall, WaterMod, Zuchtanlagen und Schweinemast, Joskin Betimax RDS, WoolPaletteCollector, Mischstation by Marhu
Mischstation Map-Einbau by skydancer
Neue Früchte für LS13 by Bummi-Brum
Leuchtturm mit Teleporter by lecra
Krampe BBE900 Serie, Krone Emsland, Kroeger SRB35 by Ifko[nator]
Erntelager by Der_Nik
Ampeln by BigM (Modell) und BlueBaby210 (Script)
Halle mit Schiebetore by Richi-3
Altes Hofsilo by -Kolbenfresser-
Futterlager (Funktion) by frisco0177
Futterlager (Model) by Ganelcer
Werbeschild by THP1985
Pfostenpack by mailman
Agrola Tankstelle, Hof Tankstelle, Silo Abladestelle, Mülltonne und Fahrzeug-Waage by Marc85
Milchladestation by GE-Mapping
Rolltor V1 (Model) by GE-Mapping
Stroh und Ballenverkauf by Feldhamster232
Grüne Brücke by iacappo1977/convert Mach1--Andy
Hallenbausatz (BayWa Händler) by KundSModding
Blechunterstand (Wiata) by honclik
Zuckerraffinerie by Treckkerbodo
Schild Funktion einer BGA by Manu1993Profi
Schilderset Wegweiser by Enercon
Brennerei und Bodentexturen by zefir_poland
Gülle Pumpanlage und Gitter Zaun Set by martinbigm500
Schilderset Straßenschilder by ClaasHof
Texturen by ls-ecofarming
Old Barn by mote454
Schrotthänger by Thuruk
Load Silo by wellano920
Dynamischer Morgennebel by burner
Fruchtnamenanzeige by sewi123
Dunklere Nächte by uploader123
PDA Erweiterung Futterlager by MX11
Digitalanzeige by blackburner
ESLimiter & OperatingHours by SFM-Modding
Allrad Grundaufbau by Modelleicher
Drehzahlanzeige by FSM-Team
Hundezwinger by Sandgroper
Hunde by Schwacki
Bahnhofsuhr by EasterEgg
Kartoffel- und Rübenlager by derzeit noch Unbekannt

Sollte jemand auf dieser Karte Gebäude/Texturen/WasAuchImmer von sich selbst oder anderen Moddern entdecken welche nicht in den Credits aufgeführt sind bitte ich um eine Meldung an mich damit ich das korrigieren kann. Das ist keinesfalls ne böse Absicht (oder gar Modklau) sondern es sind lediglich so viele Objekte verbaut das da schon mal etwas durchrutschen kann.

Mitgelieferte/Verlinkte (Fremd-)ADDONS
LS13 Classic Pack by GIANTS (waschbar)
MapViewer by FoxAlpha
PDAFix by Marhu
ShuttleControl by Templaer
Alternative Tipping by VertexDezign | Xentro & Face
Milchtrailer by Marhu (Downloadlink im Installer)
Gülle und Mist Mod by TMT-Team (Downloadlink im Installer)
Bank von Hagenstedt by MX11 (Downloadlink im Installer)
Manual Ignition by VertexDezign | Xentro & Face (Downloadlink im Installer)
Strohkraftwerk von BigM, Bluebaby210, rafftnix (Downloadlink im Installer)
MapAmpeln by BlueBaby210 (Downloadlink im Installer)

Ideenfindung (Idden von Anderen aufgegriffen und selbst umgesetzt)
HelpTrigger = Giants / FSM-Team
Standgas = Mr.X
FuelAdjust = TwistedGA
Helfer braucht Saatgut/Dünger = Kyrah
Damage-Mod = rafftnix
Waage = Eifok-Team
Hinterhof Werkstatt = Ösi
... und all die Anderen die mir die verrückten Ideen in den Kopf gesetzt haben und die ich jetzt nicht mehr zuordnen kann ...

Ein Danke an die offiziellen Tester und LetsPlayer
G.K.1968 & Sohn

  • 20 Sep 18:20
    Version 3.2.0 + 3.2.1 Update


20.09 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.79 / 277 Votes


nach 297 Stimmen

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V 3.2.0 + 3.2.1 Update
Farming Simulator 2013
375 MB 30178
20. 09 2013 30,178

7 Comments for Hagenstedt Modified 2013

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  1. Carlfarmer 23. 09 2013

    How do i install it??

  2. remis89 17. 09 2013

    fertilizer price is to big, how change?

  3. rhenault 17. 09 2013

    Merci bcp pour ce mod

  4. Carlfarmer 13. 09 2013

    How do i install it?

  5. hello ma english is bad but i tray,i have 1 problem...in game i play one day,and the second day is not begin...my cloock iz 23:59,then 00:00..and agin 23:59...and always the same ...why?? tanks...

    1 replies

  6. remis89 13. 09 2013

    Hi all, somebody knows how edit this map? I have couple ideas for this map:)

  7. dunc9860 10. 09 2013

    wenn ich p drücken es nicht funktioniert, kann mir jemand helfen, danke

    2 replies
