GTA 5 Vehicles in Traffic 1.35.x

V 4.7 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Cars from the game Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online
New AI drivers

List of cars:
Annis - Elegy RH8
Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
Bravado - Verlierer
Cheval - Taipan
Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
Dinka - Blista, Jester
Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond
Gallivanter - Baller II
Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, X80 Proto
Hijak - Khamelion
Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT
Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
Pfister - 811, Comet
Principe - Deveste Eight
Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1
Truffade - Adder, Nero
Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II
Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX

All standalone.


Modell: grlk3512
Textur: grlk3512
Script: grlk3512
Idee / Konzept: grlk3512
Tester: grlk3512
Sonstige: grlk3512

  • 10 Nov 23:40
    Version 4.7

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.7 - 1.48

    Everything is standalone and does not replace anything.
    Includes new models of drivers and passengers.
    Realistic light masks and lighting system.
    FMOD engine sounds for specific cars.
    Each car has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs.
    License plates of European countries are installed on all cars.
    The frequency of the appearance of the car depends on the country. For example, supercars do not appear in South America or Africa, but SUVs appear more often than in Europe.
    Many cars have passengers.
    Some cars have options with tuning.
    All convertibles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    It can be used together with other traffic packages.

    Added Anis Remus, the Maybatsu Monster and Grotti FROM Italy to Stinger TT.
    New skin for Dinka RT3000.
    Representatives of Italy GTA, Serrano, T20, Verlierer


  • 04 Jan 17:24
    Version 4.5

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.5 - 1.46

    Added new Annis 300r, Inveteero Coquette D10 and Toundra Panthere machines
    Details for tuning Dinka RT3000
    New skins for Dominator GTX, RT3000 and ZR350

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars
    are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may
    sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For
    example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but
    off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo


  • 11 Sep 23:32
    Version 4.0.3

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.0.3 - 1.45

    Includes new driver and passenger models.
    Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.

    Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 29 Aug 02:16
    Version 4.0.2

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.0.2 - 1.45

    Added new cars Lampadati Corsita, Obey Omnis e-GT ? Pegassi Torero XO

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo


  • 05 Aug 16:39
    Version 4.0.1

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.0.1 - 1.45

    Added new drivers
    Fixed an error with the sound of the engine for Grotti Carbonizzare

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo


  • 17 Jul 23:31
    Version 4.0

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v4.0 - 1.44

    Everything is standalone and does not replace anything.
    Includes new models of drivers and passengers.
    Realistic lightmasks and lighting system.
    FMOD engine sounds for specific cars.
    Each car has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs.
    License plates of European countries are installed on all cars.
    The frequency of the appearance of the car depends on the country. For example, supercars do not appear in South America or Africa, but SUVs appear more often than in Europe.
    Many cars have passengers.
    Some cars have options with tuning.
    All convertibles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    It can be used together with other traffic packages.

    Includes machines:
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

    Changes: added new skins for cars Dominator GTX, Elegy Retro, Jester Classic, Penumbra FF, ZR350

    For version 1.44.x


  • 11 Mar 01:14
    Version 3.8

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.8 (1.43)

    Changelog v3.8
    Added new cars Maibatsu Penumbra FF ? Karin Futo GTX

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.

    Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars
    are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may
    sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.

    Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For
    example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but
    off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 03 Mar 00:20
    Version 3.7

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.7 (1.43)


    - Custom livery variant for DInka Jester Classic.
    - Added more engine sounds.

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    - Includes new driver and passenger models.
    - Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    - FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    - Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    - European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    - Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    - Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    - Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    - All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    - All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis - Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, ZR350, Hellion
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, RT3000, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor - Habanero, Vectre
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Deity, Jubilee, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Karin - Kuruma, Everon, Calico GTF, Futo, Sultan, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Cinquemila, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell - Asbo
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Tailgater S, I-Wagen, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Ignus, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Astron, Comet S2, Comet SR, Growler
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Cypher, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar - Ingot
    Vysser - Neo

  • 26 Feb 20:01
    Version 3.6

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.6 (1.43)

    Changelog v3.6
    Added Obey I-Wagen & Dinka RT3000.
    Custom decals Elegy Retro, ZR350 ? Sultan Classic.

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 01 Feb 21:19
    Version 3.5

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.5 (1.43)

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.
    Changes: added Pfister Astron, Enus Deity and Pegassi Ignus, added more engne sounds.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo


  • 15 Jan 22:35
    Version 3.4

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.4 (1.43)

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Added Pfister Growler, Lampadati Cinquemila and Enus Jubilee.
    – Added more engine sounds

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo


  • 09 Oct 22:48
    Version 3.3.1

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.3.1 (1.41 - 1.42)

    Added new cars Karin Previon, Annis Remus and Emperor Vectre

    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 20 Sep 22:55
    Version 3.3

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.3 (1.41.x)

    Update v3.3: added Obey Tailgater S, Emperor Vectre and Ubermacht Cypher.

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, ZR350, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero, Vectre
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Calico GTF, Futo, Sultan, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Tailgater S, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Cypher, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 29 Aug 20:21
    Version 3.2.1

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.2.1 (1.41.x)

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.
    Changes: added Karin Calico GTF, Karin Sultan and Annis ZR350, improved LOD models.

    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

  • 24 Aug 02:45
    Version 3.1

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v3.1 (1.41.x)

    This pack contains cars converted from Grand Theft Auto V and Online.
    Changes: added 3 new cars.
    – Includes new driver and passenger models.
    – Realistic lamp mask and lighting system.
    – FMOD engine sounds for specific vehicles.
    – Each vehicle has its own speed and mass data. Supercars and sports cars are much faster than typical sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. Supercars may sometimes try to overtake your truck on the highway!
    – European countries license plates are installed on all vehicles.
    – Spawn frequency of a vehicle varies depending on the country. For example, In South America or Africa supercars do not appear, but off-road cars appear more often than Europe.
    – Unlike vanilla AI vehicles, many vehicles have a passenger.
    – Some vehicles have variants such as tuning parts or roof luggage.
    – All convertible vehicles drive with the roof closed in rainy weather.
    – All standalone and not replace any original cars.

    Cars List
    Annis – Elegy RH8, Elegy Retro, Euros, Hellion
    Benefactor – Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado – Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval – Taipan
    Dewbauchee – Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka – Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester, Jester RR, Jester Classic
    Emperor – Habanero
    Enus – Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter – Baller II
    Grotti – Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Itali GTO, Itali RSX, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak – Khamelion
    Invetero – Coquette
    Karin – Kuruma, Everon, Futo, Sultan Classic
    Lampadati – Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell – Asbo
    Obey – 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot – F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod – Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi – Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister – 811, Comet S2, Comet SR
    Principe – Deveste Eight
    Progen – Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade – Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht – Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid – FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar – Ingot
    Vysser – Neo

    For game version 1.41.x


  • 04 Aug 21:53
    Version 2.6

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack v2.6 (1.38.x)

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack - This mod adds cars from Grand Theft Auto V and Online are now on European Roads! It also features new AI driver models! All standalone and not replace any original AI cars.

    Features mod GTA V AI Traffic Pack:
    - All standalone and not replace any original cars;
    - Cars will meet on roads and parking lots;
    - detailed cars;
    - Tested on versions 1.37 and 1.38.

    Changes in v2.6:
    - Added Karin Futo and Emperor Habanero.
    - mod adapted to the latest patch 1.38

    Cars List
    Annis - Elegy RH8, Hellion
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Karin - Kuruma, Everon
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell - Asbo
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar - Ingot
    Vysser - Neo

    Credit: grlk3512

  • 02 May 19:51
    Version 2.4

    GTA V Vehicles in Traffic Pack v2.4 (1.36.x)

    Changes in v2.4:
    - Added Ubermacht Zion Cabrio, Dinka Sugoi and Blista Kanjo.

    Changes in v2.3:
    - Added Karin Kuruma, Ocelot Jugular and Lampadati Novak.

    GTA V AI Traffic Pack - This mod adds cars from Grand Theft Auto V and Online are now on European Roads! It also features new AI driver models! All standalone and not replace any original AI cars.

    Cars List
    Annis - Elegy RH8, Hellion
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Blista Kanjo, Sugoi, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Furia, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Karin - Kuruma, Everon
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Komoda, Novak
    Maxwell - Asbo
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Zorrusso, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II, Rebla GTS, Zion Cabrio
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vulcar - Ingot
    Vysser - Neo

  • 24 Dec 11:39
    Version 2.3

    GTA V Vehicles in Traffic Pack v2.3 (1.36.x)

    This mod adds cars from Grand Theft Auto V and Online are now on European Roads! It also features new AI driver models!

    Cars List
    Annis - Elegy RH8
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Karin - Kuruma
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT, Novak
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Jugular, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vysser - Neo

    Changes in v2.3:
    - Added Karin Kuruma, Ocelot Jugular and Lampadati Novak.

    All standalone and not replace any original AI cars.

    Tested on game version 1.36.x

  • 05 Dec 20:19
    Version 2.2


    v2.2 added: Benefactor Krieger, Bravado Banshee and Grotti Visione

    Cars List:
    Annis - Elegy RH8
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Krieger, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Banshee, Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond, Windsor Drop
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Cheetah, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, Visione, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1, Emerus
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vysser - Neo

    All standalone and not replace any original AI cars.

  • 11 Nov 21:44
    Version 2.1

    GTA 5 Vehicles in Traffic Pack v2.1 1.36.x

    Changes v2.1
    - Updated for version 1.36
    - Added Progen Emerus, Grotti Cheetah and Enus Windsor Drop.
    - Redone Gallivanter Baller II (new wheels and lightweight mask)

    List of cars:
    Annis - Elegy RH8
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vysser - Neo

    All standalone

  • 16 Oct 23:04
    Version 2.0

    GTA 5 Vehicles in Traffic Pack v2.0 1.35.x

    v2.0 added: Invetero Coquette, Vysser Neo, Truffade Thrax

    Cars from Grand Theft Auto V and Online are now on European Roads! New driver models are also included.

    Cars List:
    Annis - Elegy RH8
    Benefactor - Schafter V12, Schwartzer, Feltzer, Schlagen GT, Surano, Panto, Dubsta, XLS, Serrano
    Bravado - Verlierer
    Cheval - Taipan
    Dewbauchee - Exemplar, Massacro, Rapid GT, Seven-70, Specter, Vagner
    Dinka - Blista, Jester
    Enus - Huntley S, Paragon R, Cognoscenti, Super Diamond
    Gallivanter - Baller II
    Grotti - Bestia GTS, Carbonizzare, Turismo R, Turismo Classic, Itali GTO, X80 Proto
    Hijak - Khamelion
    Invetero - Coquette
    Lampadati - Felon, Felon GT, Furore GT
    Obey - 8F Drafter, 9F, Tailgater, Rocoto
    Ocelot - F620, Jackal, Lynx, Pariah, XA-21, Penetrator
    Overflod - Entity XF, Entity XXR, Autarch, Tyrant
    Pegassi - Vacca, Zentorno, Reaper, Osiris, Tezeract, Infernus, Infernus Classic, Toros, Tempesta
    Pfister - 811, Comet
    Principe - Deveste Eight
    Progen - Itali GTB, T20, GP1
    Truffade - Adder, Nero, Thrax
    Ubermacht - Sentinel XS, Oracle XS, Oracle II
    Vapid - FMJ, Dominator GTX
    Vysser - Neo

    All standalone and not replace any original AI cars.

  • 28 Sep 03:47
    Version 1.0

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6.63 MB 289
10. 11 2023 289
V 4.5
Eurotruck Simulator 2
177 MB 339
04. 01 2023 339
V 4.0.3
Eurotruck Simulator 2
3.57 MB 476
11. 09 2022 476
19 ältere Versionen

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