large villa V2
This is the great Villa V2!
I have an improvement of the alarm system (can you turn a makierte point) vorgeneommen, now listen anywhere, it will now trigger a pressure plate. I also have a card reader added together! because you only need a certain card in the hopper throw and wait until they come out again, then the Push Open Doors to garden.
It was also broke a bell, for example if you has no map and sometimes comes to visit, you can click dadrauf and then the homeowner can see who it is and let him clean through a button in Vorrauem. As soon as the doors are open, you can hear a persistent Singnal, which only stops when the doors are. It is also a complete interior available, as well as a lighting system for the whole house! In the main room you can control all sorts of levers with Redstone!
ich habe diesen mod/map gemacht!-
18 Jul 17:00Version 2.0
by pester13
ago over 11 years
by pester13
ago over 11 years
by pester13
ago over 11 years
by pester13
ago over 11 years
by pester13
ago over 11 years
by pester13
ago over 11 years
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