As promised it Is made limited. Finally, from the GrossBauerMap V1 beta a final version of the Map Has originated.
The GrossBauerMap V2
As already on the V1 became BGA, Getreide und Gras AG, big court with vehicle park would be subordinate, small court, open land to silos, harbour, milk court and brewery sensibly arranged.
The cow's pasture became some enlarged and a stable was added. The cows get from now on your grass from the stable, there it is also unloaded.
The Gehäckselte feed is unloaded directly beside the stable, behind the stable there is the dunghill. The liquid manure pit has got a new appearance and also became a little bit more to the right a moved.
The BGA has 4 open land silos 2 big and 2 small ones. There your grass and gehäckselten maize becomes loose.In to the journey silos of the BGA your maize, Gehäckseltes becomes a maize and grass loose. For bale and straw has the BGA also abnahmestelle. For it your money and liquid manure agrees.
The main court offers hiding place to some machines the remaining machines immediately come beside the main court to 6 unterset possibilities on a big court were built. There your machines bought anew are also delivered there anew the bought.
Not always to go around the middle mountain, this was divided. Now now an arched bridge connects both sides. Under the arched bridge grows diligently barley.
Original Map von GiantsUmbau by Ka88 -
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04 Dec 12:40Version 2 End Version
3 Comments for Grossbauer Map
die map hol ich mir die is voll geil! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
geile map get supper one prubleme
so hier mal ein 2ter DL-Link: