This mod adds a Damage Log (who you hit) and a HitLog (who hit you) to the standard Damage Panel configuration. Will also work with many of the custom damage panel configurations such as Gambiter and Kokabg.
- To install, move the res_mods folder from the archive file into the World of Tanks game directory.
- Font installation NO LONGER REQUIRED, uses Arial as default and images rather than XVMSymbol font
Damage Blocked panel of the damage log (top of screen). It was getting in some peoples way. So here is new format, plus how to change. The new default format is with the Damage Blocked just above the Damage Log. In the res_mods/configs/damagelog are four files, Blocked.cfg, Blocked_top.cfg, Blocked_center.cfg and Blocked_lower.cfg. Rename Blocked.cfg to Blocked_org.cfg and then rename Blocked _center, or _top to Blocked.cfg. "_top" moves the damage blocked panel to top of the screen beside the HitLog, "_center" moves it to just below the Players Panel. There is also a Timer_center.cfg which will move the reload timer form the lower position to just under the Players Panel, beside the Blocked Damage Panel.
If upgrading from previous version you will need to do some file cleanup after install, or before. make sure to delete the following files:
- In res_mods/0.9.14/scripts/client/mods all that have HitLogAnnouncer in the title, including folders
- In res_mods/0.9.14/scripts/client/gui/mods all that have MultiHitlog in the title, including folders. This include mod_MultiHitLog files
- If updating from 9147, delete gui/scaleform/ekspoints_battleFlash.swf file name changed to ekspoints_battle_flash.swf, do not delete the new one
Option 1 provides a text only version of the HitLog (top of screen) and is best for computers with a little less power. I use it on my laptop. It prevents micro lags caused on some computers due to the graphics loading in the other options
- Install the mod as above
- Delete the following in res_mods/x.x.x/scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_HitLogAnnouncer.pyc, . json and the HitLogAnnouncer folder
- In the archive there is a folder called Option1, inside is the scripts folder
- Copy/Move the scripts folder into res_mods/x.x.x/ folder where x.x.x is current game version
- Install the mod as above, Option 2 is the older config
- In the archive there is a folder called Option2, inside are two folders - scripts and gui
- Move the two folders into res_mods/x.x.x/ folder where x.x.x is current game version
- Install the mod as above for default
- In the archive there is a folder called Option_Text, inside is 1 folder - config
- Move the config folder into res_mods/ folder
- Instructions for DEFAULT and OPTION 2, not possible on OPTION 1
- CTRL+Mouse Arrow, hold CTRL down, grab box with mouse arrow and move to desired location.
09 Apr 11:57Version
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