Goldcrest Valley

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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Changelog v2.0.0.0

- Train systems installed

- Trigger for train system

- Small farms (points of sale) installed

- Barn exchanged

- Built-in fountain (water source)

- Train sales point installed

- Collectibles installed (120x cheese)

- Silos made sellable at the farm

- Adjusted floating decals

- Error from log fixed

- Manure sale installed

- Flags removed

- Crane installed (decoration only)


Known bugs since the first version:

- PDA map does not fit exactly

- Error: Trying to set DensityMapHeightUpdater collision map with invalid size (8388608 vs 33554432)

- Warning: No tip collision map defined. Creating empty tip placement collision map.


A standard card, known from the LS17.

The map was converted into the LS22 by Dreamzy Modding

Since I played the map in the LS17 for a long time, I wanted to make the map "perfect".

My aim was to remove all errors and warnings.

Except for 2 entries I was able to do everything to the best of my knowledge and belief.

In addition, I have set myself the task of finding things that are still missing,

which existed in the LS 17 version, to be retrofitted,

to correct small errors and to insert new elements from LS22.

To appreciate the work of the original modder, the basic map was changed as little as possible.

So if there are still any errors or problems, please write them here in the comments.

Will then try to fix this in a "final" version.


- Giants

- Dreamzy Modding

- AK6070

- VertexDezign, Niggels

- Lancyboi

- Stiffmeist79

- Iconik

- Team IWMM


- 810Modz/LewisModz

- SidoxGamer

- DN

- OmaTana

- Piesel

- FedAction(FedMods)


- Agrar Modding

- Peterzimmi

 edit by AGC

  • 04 Apr 10:29


04.04 2022
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Farming Simulator 22
669 MB 936
04. 04 2022 936

2 Comments for Goldcrest Valley

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  1. Frechheit, die Map auf einer anderen Seite downloaden und hier wieder unter anderem Namen hochladen.
    Downloadlink ist nicht der richtige.
    Support zur Map gibt es nur im original Forum.

    gemeldet am 06.04.22

  2. Didi1948 04. 04 2022

    Bei mir sind zwei runde Wolle nur zu sehen aber kein Gebäude , gleich daneben schweben nur die Maffets in der Luft und auch kein Gebäude zu sehen , mit welchen Patch hast du diese Map gemacht , ich habe dem Patch 1.3.1 außerdem gibt es eine Strassenlaterne an der Schnellstrasse in Richtung Fahrzeughändler

    2 replies
