GBM 1.3.0 for Eco 7.6.2
Modlist, Changelog, Info, Links : Modlist - Google Drive Spreadsheet
Last Tested Version: - works 100%. Follow Installation Instructions at every Eco update.
Make sure to read the ReadMe for Warnings after updating to a new GBM Version!! Installation Instructions - is not ready for this modpack, but we can make it work:
- Launch your server.
- Subscribe, Download & Install this Modpack via Modkit Tab > Browse Mods Sub-tab.
- Go to your \Server\Mods folder, and delete everything except folder. This mod provides a Full modded /Mods folder - deleting vanilla files is required to remove conflicts.
- Go to Server\Mods\\Glorious Bean Server Modpack 1.2.0\Configs\ - move everything in this folder to \Server\Configs.
- Restart your server. Have fun. :) Compatibility Notes: Currently Mods that overwrite vanilla/modpack files will remain unsupported via Mods that don't touch the same files are very likely to be compatible. Future Plans: Current installation instructions are temporary until can support overwrites/overrides, or until I can find a way to make installation easier for players.
= Full GBM Release Description =
Highlights & Modlist
Mods include object collections, new recipes for food and objects, new skills for mining/logging/farming, double carry weight, new admin commands, faster vehicles, enables players to reset skills one time, multiple slight changes to vanilla behavior and balance, and more!
Author Description
Hello everyone!
After playing Eco for a little while I quick realized the potential this game has for modding. It's much easier and faster than most games to mod, and provides one of the most seamless modded experience around, probably.
Once I decided to have my own server so it could be the home of the group of players I've met and stuck together in-game (GBC), I *had* to mod it to my leisure. After 4 days of reading, modding, testing and re-testing, with a little push from friends it became obvious that I could publish it to make the lives of others easier, and also to (hopefully) serve as a door to bring vanilla players to the magical world of mods - that's what Minecraft modpacks did to me years ago and after those, every game I really enjoy I end up grabbing all the possible mods for it, and bruteforcing my way into making the ones I want play nice together.
This is a package of curated and compatible (or compatibilized) mods developed by the whole Eco modding community.
The modpack aims to expand, deepen or add to the vanilla experience, while doing the best to keep the games and servers stable by only adding engrossing, interesting mods that do not overly negatively impact performance or balance - my ultimate goal is to achieve the same as Minecraft modpacks achieved: let people have the mods without worrying about losing hours of gameplay.
As this is an Early Access game, all sorts of problems can happen, but those should be reported to those responsible (report mod issues to their modders, report vanilla and Eco issues to the developers) as to attain the highest quality, best solutions, and less waste of time as possible.
Installation Instructions
This mod provides a full \Mods folder to take place of your existing one.
First: move, rename or delete your existing \Mods folder.
Then place the modpack \Mods folder in your \Eco Server or Eco\Eco_Data\Server folder.
Done! :)
Backup your Mods folder or redownload/Verify Integrity of Game Files for quick uninstall.
To uninstall individual mods, you'll first have to take the pill, Neo.
Compatibility Notes - Adding mods manually
Ideally you should not overwrite your /Mods folder - use the full one provided by the modpack and if you want to add new mods manually, you must do it on your own time, effort and risk.
Due to the high amount of mods, adding new mods could either render one of the mods useless, overwritten or broken - take special care with mods that makes changes to recipes and the tech-tree as not to cut yourself or your players off the game progression or cause unrecoverable unbalances!
Hint 1: If you understand you're doing this on your own risk, you can try:
For mods that don't overwrite Vanilla files, you can install them without issue most of the time. Mind that a .dll mod can still be overwriting a Vanilla file and cause conflicts/issues.
For mods that do overwrite Vanilla files, there could be conflicts with mods in the GBM. You can install those new mods first, and then install GBM again, overwriting everything on the Mods folder. Mind that this would overwrite any changes by the new mod, but new items/blocks/functionality may still be in place.
Server Owners: Don't try this kind of thing on a live server. Test locally, or you will regret it, and so will your players.
Hint 2: An easy way to compatibilize mods is simply using a diff software [e.g. WinMerge], comparing the modpack-provided file/folder vs. the new mod file/folder, and applying the desired changes to each individual file. Assuming the mod is compiled as a .dll, of course.
Future Plans
I'm publishing this modpack with 7.4 right around the corner. 7.4 will be great, and I will migrate the modpack to it as soon as possible. But I do need to wait on modders to update their own mods.
Once a good amount of *core mods* are migrated to 7.4, so will the modpack.
I'm keeping contact with as many mod authors as I can, and I will try to keep the modlist spreadsheet updated.
I have multiple plans for multiple things regarding Eco. With any luck I will have free time to complete them!
More info:
GBM Release Video and Mod Highlights Youtube Video:
Contact me on Discord (Gabeux#1309) for questions, issues or reports.
a. I cannot guarantee any compatibility between the modpack and different versions of the game, different versions of the included mods, or compatibility with new mods.
b. I cannot guarantee the full extent of the safety of your savegames or the stability of your game and server. I run the mod pack on my own and friend servers, so I test as much as I can before updating the pack. But the Early Access/Beta nature of the game itself should hint towards the reality of things.
c. I do not work as a modder (although that sounds awesome as a job) and I may not be always available for helping. If you discover an specific issue with a specific mod, you may have more luck contacting the mod author.
d. When running into bugs, make sure you verify, if you can, whether your problem is caused by mods, vanilla or user error before bringing a problem to the wrong table - over 90% of "mods are breaking the game" statements I've heard are actually not even closely related to installed mods.
e. Do not redistribute this package as your own - this package include IPs of multiple individuals and should be respected as so.
f. If you want to base your own modpack on GBM, feel free to do so, but like its author, *provide credit where it's due*.Click to expand...By downloading and applying this software package you agree with those terms and conditions.
Note: I do not change the mod behaviors intended by the authors, but I do reserve the right to balance mods or the game as I see fitting for the pack. I'd only rewrite mod code if utmost necessary to guarantee compatibility. If I can't reproduce the same quality or performance as the original author, I'd prefer not to touch a mod and rely on the modder to make the integration/compatibility patch or version instead.
Made by Gabeux with suggestions from the Glorious Bean Co-Op community, for the Glorious Bean Server Modpack.
Icons, banners, thumbnails and images for my own mods & modpack made by my wife - Mari [Mariana#4718 ]. <3
All credit and thanks for the Featured & modified mods goes to the mod authors! Much of my learning was through the previous work of the community.
Tested & Ran on the Glorious Bean Server.
My special thanks goes to everyone in the GBC, GBS, Recherche Team, Killservers and Pam, and all modders of the Eco community.
Best of luck to SLG in this promising and ambitious project!
15 Jul 04:55Version 1.3.0
Eco Version 7.6.2
Glorious Bean Server Modpack
Version 1.3.0 "Don't Panic"
o==================o= REMINDER : Admin / commands mods were moved to a new modpack, Glorious Bean ServerUtils Modpack - here:
[Installation] :
- Backup and delete or move your /Eco Server/Mods folder
- Unpack the Modpack in the Eco Server root
- Backup and Overwrite any required files
- Have fun!NOTE: One of the mods in the pack require to be overwritten. Backup or edit the file if required.
Details:[ 1.3.0 Mod Changes ] :
= Added
- Color Cube: Adds Colored blocks for decoration and pixel art!!
- Clow Mods: Multiple cool new objects, furniture and gates!
- Fish Food Plus: More fish-based food!
- JD Stockpile: Early Game Alternative to the vanilla stockpile!
- JD Silo: Silo with big storage slots for items!
- JD Mulde: Trough to store blocks!
- Sensor Items: Configurable lights with sensors!
- Winemaker: Turn your infinite Blueberries into sweet sweet Wine!= Updated
Nearly all mods updated, given new game versions.
Check modlist for details!= Removed
- Arashi's Lighting Collection: Incompatible, waiting updates
- Arashi's Nature Collection: Incompatible, waiting updates
- Light Sensor: Incompatible, waiting updates
- Builder Specialization: Obsolete due to game changes
- Craft Blast Furnace at Anvil: Obsolete due to game changes [yay!]
- Default Auth Fix: Obsolete due to game changes [yay!]
- Fishfood: Replaced with updated mod Fishfood Plus[ Modlist ] :
Full modlist spreadsheet on Google Drive:
First release video and Mod Highlights:
Look out for new videos with Modpack updates & Mod Spotlights![ Credits ] :
Made by Gabeux with suggestions from the Glorious Bean Co-Op community.
Ran on the Glorious Bean Server with the support from Pam and Killservers.All credit and thanks for the Featured & modified mods goes to the mod authors! Much of my learning was through the previous work of the community.
Thanks to the modders from the Eco Modding Alliance, that makes the modding more smooth and fun!
Special Thanks to Recherche Team [Gabeux, JAGGANOT, Kirthos, Mari]! <3Thanks for playing - have fun!
- Gabeux
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