Here he is,
the German Real Police/Bank mod 2014 By Manu.Be98.
original taken from the German Bußgeldkatalog 2014th Always average taken.
overdraft_duration: 5 # days
overdraft_warn_day: 2 # starting on 3rd day
amount: 10000
interest_rate: 0.23 # 23 %
duration: 5 # in weeks
amount: 50000
interest_rate: 0.2 # 20 %
duration: 5 # in weeks
amount: 100000
interest_rate: 0.18 # 18 %
duration: 5 # in weeks
amount: 400000
interest_rate: 0.12 # 12 %
duration: 10 # in weeks
overdraft_duration: 5 # days
overdraft_warn_day: 2 # starting on 3rd day
amunt: 10000
interest_rate: 0.04 # 4 %
duration: 52 # in weeks
amount: 50000
interest_rate: 0.04 # 4 %
duration: 52 # in weeks
amount: 100000
interest_rate: 0.04 # 4 %
duration: 52 # in weeks
amount: 400000
interest_rate: 0.04 # 4 %
duration: 52 # in weeks
fine_amounts[0]: 400 # car crash
fine_amounts[1]: 150 # avoid sleeping
fine_amounts[2]: 100 # wrong way
fine_amounts[3]: 550 # speeding (camera)
fine_amounts[4]: 150 # no lights during night
fine_amounts[5]: 350 # red lights
fine_amounts[6]: 550 # speeding
fine_amounts[0]: 30 # car crash
fine_amounts[1]: 100 # avoid sleeping
fine_mounts[2]: 18 # wrong way
fine_amounts[3]: 60 # speeding (camera)
fine_amounts[4]: 21 # no lights during night
fine_amounts[5]: 218 # red lights
ine_amounts[6]: 191 # speeding
By Manu.Be98/By Manu.Be98
!!!For Patch V1.12.1!!
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Credits:By Manu.Be98
27 Sep 21:34Version 1.0
1 Comments for German Real Police
What is this mod? Does it add police cars that pull you over and give you a ticket/fine? Maybe add a few screenshots above so we can see what it does.