Gebrüder Mangold MAN TGX

V 2.8 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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I can offer you again a nice mod, another small but fine traditional Swiss company for download.

It is a MAN TGX Skin of the Mangold brothers. Mr. Mangold wishes all drivers a lot of fun and a good trip :-)

The skin is available and adapted for all 3 cabin variants. 


Courtesy of the Mangold AG brothers


The skin may be offered on other sites for download, who the copyright is called and I am mentioned as an author.


The original vehicle is a MAN TEX but this is not yet available in ETS2 because of the adaptation to the TGX.


Modell: MAN TGX
Textur: Gebrüder Mangold AG
Script: MK Mods
Idee / Konzept: ein guter Arbeitskollege / MK Mods
Tester: Sensiva / MK Mods
Sonstige:  Das Copyright lieg bei der Gebrüder Mangold AG

Erstellt mit ETS2 Studio Version Cadeellac

Getestet auf der ETS2 Version mit Osteuropa, Skandinavia und Frankreich Add on

  • 21 Nov 17:09
    Version 2.8


21.11 2017
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V 2.8
Eurotruck Simulator 2
Mangold MAN.scs
5.36 MB 374
21. 11 2017 374

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