Included mods
eXtended Visualization Mod - Over Target Markers, Hitlog, Wehrpass, combat analysis, statistics, capture bar and much more, the mod for World of Tanks.
Autoaim Indicator
Improved Auto destinations
Battle Assistant
View from the bullet trajectory for Artillery (activate with button G)
Wide border of maps
Alternative textures for the card limit
Automatic Login, noted favorites server, detailed display of the breakdown, Next to zoom out, zoom levels Complementary services in the gunner mode, activate gunner mode only via Shiftaste, Free camera in replays, disable automatic handbrake for Jagdpanzer, etc.
session Stats
session Statistics
J1mB0's Crosshair Mod
Damage indicator
locate enemy fire accurately
TeamSpeak Mod (TessuMod)
TeamSpeak display in the player panel
Spotted Extended
Mark Revealed goals
Spot Messanger
spot alert
Focus Fire Mod
Focus fire direction indicator
Advanced Radial Menu
Advanced Radial Menu
Show remaining health points of the team
Yellow stripes on the sides half-height cars
safe shot
prevent shelling of Allied and dead tanks
Gnome Fathers Engine Sounds
Gnome Fathers Gunsounds
Where must the ModPack be installed?
In the World of Tanks installation folder!
Give the installer the folder in which you have installed World of Tanks, so the folder "WorldOfTanks.exe" and "WoTLauncher.exe" are in the your.
10 Apr 10:05Version 0.9.14
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