48 RA Fuhrmann Washable

V 1 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Hi Com,
here is a 3-axis version of the Fuhrmann turntable
Capacity: 48 cubic meters
all now Washable with detailed Dirttexturen.
fruitTypes = "chaff grass_windrow wheat_windrow barley_windrow sugarbeet potato wheat barley rape maize grass manure"
Häckselaufbau activated with NumPad_7
dirtInterval = "2" cleaningInterval = "15"
All tested with the automatic car wash on my map:

! Beta Patch v2.03 is needed!

The mod may be published on other sites only to the original link
The mod may be published on other sites as long as the ORIGINAL LINK will only be used!
Mod le peut être publié sur d'autres sites aussi longtemps que le lien seulement original sera utilisé!
O mod pode ser publicado em outros sites, desde o que será usado original link!
Mod publikowane moga byc tak na innych stronach dlugo, jak oryginalny link bedzie u?ywany!
A mod tehetok közzé View more oldalakon, amig az eredeti link fogja használni!



  • 19 Sep 11:08
    Version 1


checksum: 00c3906086b28a9355d4d466cc1d3047
Version: 1
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Tomy/Jerrico
price in shop: 48400 LS
name in shop: Fuhrmann48HA
description in shop: Fuhrmann48HA 48 Kubikmeter max load washable
fruitTypes="chaff grass_windrow wheat_windrow barley_windrow sugarBeet wheat barley rape potato maize grass manure"
Model, convert: Tomy,Jerrico
Programming: Ziuta (Ziut) Scripts: Sven777b

19.09 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.35 / 40 Votes


nach 33 Stimmen

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V 1
Farming Simulator 2013
10.9 MB 14098
19. 09 2013 14,098

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