A beautiful
Recycling Pack
1 collection point | Bread and cheese can be turned into brown glass, green glass, white glass, biomass, cardboard, garbage and paper for needed productions at the collection point
2 Recycling yard | From brown glass, green glass, white glass and water can be made or sold at the recycling yard new glass bottles for needed productions. You can have the garbage, paper, cardboard boxes from the collection point burned here.
3 Copost plant | From hay, grass, biomass, empty pallets, grease, Altoil, wood chips, electric charge, manure, straw, chaff and maintenance can be made in the compost plant compost and Altoil for needed productions
The mod workshop is required for this mod.
We wish you a lot of fun with the mod, and our mod is welcome to be posted on other mod sites using the original download link. MFG SB|Modding
Modell: SB|Modding
Idee / Konzept:
26 May 13:15Version
Update ohne addplaceablecategory script und können ohne voneinander abhängig zu sein , im Baumenü unter "platzierbare Produktion" ausgewählt und platziert werden
26 May 13:15Version
Update ohne addplaceablecategory script und können ohne voneinander abhängig zu sein , im Baumenü unter "platzierbare Produktion" ausgewählt und platziert werden
07 Dec 21:49Version 1.0
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