Welcome to my profile
This mod was built by YouTuber SABDmario78(Me) without any templates.
I provide this mod to you to beautify your map and make a & out of camp trigger.
The mod. but otherwise has animations that also funcion.
This mod. is also good for roleplays.
This mod. May not be uploaded on any other platforms. There is no approval from me.
This mod. May also not be changed in any way.
Who does not adhere to it must with Rechtlichen schritten rechnee and with a criminal complaint.
This mod. May not be uploaded to any other platforms. There is no consent from me. This mod. Must not be changed in any way. Anyone who does not stick to it must expect legal action and a criminal complaint.
Ce mod ne peut pas être téléchargé sur d'autres plateformes. Il n'y a pas de consentement de ma part. Ce mod ne doit en aucun cas être modifié. Quiconque ne s'y tient pas doit s'attendre à une action en justice et à une plainte pénale.
Modell: FS19_SABD_Busdepotstadwerke
Textur: SABDmario78
Script: SABDmario78
Idee / Konzept: SABDmario78
Tester: SABDmario78
20 Sep 20:21Version
0 Comments for FS19_SABD_Bus depotMunicipal utilities