
V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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Hi folks, I am making version 1.0 of my pig breeding available to you.


This pig farm has 5 feeding levels:


1st stage: pigs + maize + water + straw = manure + slurry + pigs (500 liters per hour)

2nd stage: pigs + maize + grain (wheat and barley) + water + straw = manure + slurry + pigs (750 liters per hour)

3rd stage: pigs + maize + grain (wheat and barley) + proteins (rape and sunflower) + water + straw = manure + slurry + pigs (1000 liters per hour)


Level: pigs + maize + grain (wheat and barley) + proteins (rape and sunflowers) + earth fruits (potatoes) + water + straw = manure + slurry + pigs (1250 liters per hour) + 10% pig feed

5th level: pigs + pig feed + water + straw = manure + slurry + pigs (1500 liters per hour)

A total of 100 pigs can be delivered (1000 liters per pig) and a maximum of 200 pigs can be stored until production is full.

Manure and pig feed can be collected via the filling pipe.

The straw trigger is located in the building.

The gates no longer have a collision and can be opened and closed automatically with the HoTAnimatedObject Mod.

The trigger to deliver the animals is on the right, the other is to pick up the animals.


This is my first mod that I built and published with this in mind,

so be lenient if not everything works as it should.


and now I wish you a lot of fun with my pig breeding

Your Farmer Kai


Modell: Kastor
Textur: Kastor
Script: LSMC / HoT Team
Idee / Konzept: Farmer Kai
Tester: Farmer Kai
Sonstige: als Vorlage diente mir der Rinderzuchtstall von FedAction

  • 29 Dec 23:16
    Version 2.0

    Icons für Trigger hinzugefügt
    mehr Lichter hinzugefügt
    GC Menü Namen geändert
    fillplane "Schweine" hinzugefügt
    Beschreibung geändert
    Display erstellt
    Trigger Füllrohr Mist/Schweinefutter angepasst
    Tore öffnen mit Fahrzeug automatisch, es wird kein extra script mehr benötigt

  • 28 Dec 16:30
    Version 1.0


28.12 2020
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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 19
29 MB 1239
29. 12 2020 1,239
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 19
24.6 MB 431
28. 12 2020 431

2 Comments for FS19_FK_Schweinezucht

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  1. Rocky1966 03. 01 2021

    Schade ist nur das die Schweine sich nicht bewegen (Nachteil)

    1 replies

  2. Rocky1966 03. 01 2021

    Schweinestall schon plaziert echt toll aber wo ist der Trigger um Schweine zu kaufen.MFG

    1 replies
