05 Aug 11:16Version 2.0.0
Hello all,
After several months of work and testing, I deliver (version) 2.0 version of my card.
I hope that this one will suit you and the revisit will be at the height of the expectations of some.I would like to thank the creators of mods, but also my two testers.
Below is a brief overview of what's new. For more information and credits, you will find a .pdf file in the map folder.• Total revisit of the map (New game needed!)
• Addition of various outlets and factories
• Addition of trains
• Addition of fields and silos
• Fixed various bugs in version 1.3
• And moreGood game to all.
04 Aug 23:01Version 2.0
Hello all,
After several months of work and testing, I deliver (version) 2.0 version of my card.
I hope that this one will suit you and the revisit will be at the height of the expectations of some.I would like to thank the creators of mods, but also my two testers.
Below is a brief overview of what's new. For more information and credits, you will find a .pdf file in the map folder.• Total revisit of the map (New game needed!)
• Addition of various outlets and factories
• Addition of trains
• Addition of fields and silos
• Fixed various bugs in version 1.3
• And moreGood game to all.
19 May 22:57Version 1.3.2
- Clear logs and scripts error.
Enjoy this map.
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago over 7 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
by kikored1
ago almost 8 years
12 Comments for Westbridge_Hills_Revisited
I have problems to open the rolling door/ gate at Agrenius, sorry i dont know the right word in english. There is no popup for keybindings or something and its awful to get through the rail gab to sell something. I hope there are more Updates on this good project.
I know the size of the file is not "regulatory", but I'm not that strong to arrange files.
I am sure that this will not pose any problem to the playability of this map and I will do my best to decrease the size of this file in the next versions.
I am obviously listening to all the comments that will allow me to improve this map.
Have a nice game
You made a very nice map, however is there some special mod to open the gates?
I tried both with tractor and without, and i cant come in to the cows and feed them. Or do I need to buy cows before they open?
Hallo an alle,
Ich teile Ihnen mit, dass ich freundlicherweise Erweiterung der Karte fortsetzen und damit die Version 2.0 wird gut ankommen.
Cepandant, ich brauche noch Zeit, um eine korrekte Version zu machen.
Ich danke allen, die mir Kommentare oder Bemerkungen zu machen. Wissen, dass dies in den künftigen Versionen genommen werden.
Gutes Spiel für alle und bis bald.
Hello all,
I inform you that I continue gently the enlargement of the map and therefore, that version 2.0 will arrive well.
However, I still need time to make a correct version.
I thank all those who make comments or remarks. Please note that this will be taken into account in the future version.
Good game to all and see you soon.
ALF2017 check pvrt message send you a link for the PDF file
here is a link for the PDF file alf2017
The .pdf file is in the Zip.file, with the mapfolder.
The new version of the map is being created. But you have to give me time, because there's a lot of work.
I can not give a time estimate remaining before the release of the next version, at the moment.
What .PDF doc? I can not find one.
when will the next update be just asking around when ??????? thank you
hello nice work on this version v1.3 but as for the farm i like the lay out from version 1.0 because we had space to put placeable and put our own sheds and stuff i like the expantion from the woods really great idea i just hope you put the farm back the way it was i like it every thing else on the map is great so far hope to see a new version soon
Hi, when I am seeding potatoes or sugar beets.
They don't start to grow.
You can see the sow texture on the ground but nothing else.
Is there a way to fix this?
Nice map, I know there is a lot of fruits, But could you add cotton to the list.