JohnDeere JD100K

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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Moin together today I present you because John Deere - JD100K at disposal. Have fun with it...



Changes in v1.0:

- New design.

- New logo and Schritzüge.

- Adapted "work area"



Brand> John Deere

Name> JD100K

NeededPower> 200p

Price> 112000

DailyUpkeep> 90

Capacity = "100000


Modell: Giants
Textur: DerStefan
Script: Giants
Idee / Konzept: DerStefan
Tester: DerStefan
Sonstige: DerStefan

  • 19 Sep 14:19
    Version 1.1

    Änderungen in v1.1:
    - Design angepasst.
    - Logo angepasst.
    - Änderungen an: Benötigter zug Leistung, Unterhaltskosten, Preiß,

  • 26 Jan 13:29
    Version 1.0


26.01 2017
Modhoster user rating
3.06 / 16 Votes


nach 13 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 17
FS17_JohnDeere_JD100K (UNZIP me)...
9.12 MB 4139
19. 09 2017 4,139
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 17
FS17_JohnDeere_JD00K (UNZIP me).zip
8.95 MB 3872
26. 01 2017 3,872

1 Comments for JohnDeere JD100K

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  1. perfect working mod volum super
