Frog's Tesla Cybertruck,
Fully modeled by ME,
Has offroad tires and new rims
Also has a set of studded tires for snow operations
Has a Full Color Pallet
Can Haul Scout Trailers
Has 3 Transmission, Engine and Suspension Options
If you like the truck be sure to give it a thumbs up.
Probably Gonna be the last public release (other than a SAS version of this build)
Join My Discord For Stuff:
DO NOT USE MY ASSETS FOR ANYTHING AT ALL. I Can and will copyright claim it and you will be banned
DO NOT TWEAK MY MOD AT ALL!!! I worked very hard to make this vehicle the way it is and it is perfect changing it from its current specs is just not a thing you need to do, you dont like the the way it drives just dont drive it and unsubscribe....
11 Oct 09:45Version 1.0
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