Frisky's Farm V5

V 3 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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This is latest Version of my map series, its based on the main Giants map, but with a farm to the North instead of middle, fences/Hedgrows

Milk tanker as original 

NOTE: 4 day crop growing cycle (1st stage 24 hours, 2nd 48 etc)

Plenty of Grass fields


Planted Cornola (Ready sprayed)

Planted Wheat (1st stage needs spraying)

Barley (Ready needs spraying)

Field numbers

MP ready (if you put in mods folder and dont make any changes)

Grass silo as well as normal chaff

Dung/slurry/Fertiliser/seed/fuel triggers around farm

Dung/chaff/grass selling point at the port

as well as the mill/port/brewery to sell grain as prices change

2 bale pits/shredder sell points

Large Dealer show room as previous versions fixed with ramp, and at farm for unloading/loading


As i have tested this and have played it for some time now and is in my opinion a good map, grass, corn/chaff, osr, wheat, barley, milk is the main. There are three barns dotted around one with small yard and has dung fertilser and seed trigger and a bale shredder. there are a few hills with incline, i have found manual headers good on these though normal will work fine, the pda shows all fields/names, this works great in zoomed out mode, though slightly out in zoom. (If somone wants to rectify this your most welcome, please remember that the map will not be mp compatible unless others have it so maybe upload for the rest and put 5a)


Hope you enjoy 


New Farmhouse Cytrus & Jincheng
Power poles Cables dodo27
British Hay/StrawshedModel: Farmerl
Texture: Farmerl
Ingame: Farmerl

  • 15 Aug 13:17
    Version 3


checksum: 7c0c66bc8baac986af426247b0d80a90
Version: 3
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Giants, edit by frisky
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Frisky's Farm V5
description in shop: This is the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields.

15.08 2011
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V 3
Farming Simulator 2011
198 MB 466
15. 08 2011 466

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