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Frisky's Farm V4 Final Hi, This is Version 4 of Frisky's Farm, Has original map road layout, milk tanker does collect and pay for your milk as normal, there are new fields, Dirt tracks, Bale barns, 2 Bale pits, and two bale sell points in barns, A new machine trade shop, There is now a Covered Feed shed/barn for your cattles food and bales, and much more vegetation/hedges please enjoy The download zip just goes straight into your mods folder, and remember if you open and change anything it will no longer be MP compatible so please be aware.
All the mods that i have used in the Frisky's Farm series have been sourced from this site in the downloads section, which can be used by us map makers to make our maps nice places to be, so thankyou to all modders that created the bale pits, timber to make my new barn, workshop, and some out buildings and lights.-
30 Jan 10:21Version
30.01 2011
noch nicht genug Stimmen
Do you think this mod should be featured?
30. 01 2011
1 Comments for Frisky's Farm
I can not acquire a cow