Thank you for downloading Fresh Paved Roads. I darkened the blacktop to make it look like a newly paved asphalt road, and lightened the sidewalks to make them look more like concrete.
There is no need to backup the files yourself, I have the originals included as mentioned below.
Manual Installation...
To install, simply drop the Data Folder included directly into the main folder of Farming Simulator 2013. Answer yes to overwrite all files and folders.
If for any reason you don't like a certain one, or just want to go back to default look on all of them, I have included backup files just in case. You will notice with every modified file I created, there is also another with the same file name but with the word "OFF" added to the end. Simply relocate or delete the file you don't want, and then remove OFF from the title of the backup file (In that order).
All files included in this download are default files from FS2013. I only modified them, I have not created any new content, just repaints/skins.
I create all my projects with GIMP 2.8.2 (GNU Image Manipulation Program). GIMP is a lot like Photoshop, but freeware.
You may modify and redistribute this mod. Please include this ReadMe along with your upload and give credit to where credit is due, to me.
Thank you,
Todd McCuistion "Tuddley3"
Alle Dateien in diesem Download sind Standarddateien von FS2013. Ich änderte sie nur, ich habe keine neuen Inhalte, nur Repaints/Felle.Ich erstelle alle meine Projekte mit GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 2.8.2. GIMP ist ein viel wie Photoshop, aber Freeware.
Sie können ändern und verteilen diese mod. Bitte dieser Readme-Datei zusammen mit den Upload sowie geben Sie Kredit wo Kredit-fällig, für mich ist.
Vielen Dank
Todd McCuistion "Tuddley3"
23 Dec 09:52Version 1.1
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