Fresa Sicma Coltivatore e Erpicatore
Credits: -modello 3d by Bosco
– conversione FS15 by Peppe978
Lavori effettuati per la conversione:
sistemato modello 3d , create texture , create animazioni particle , aggiunto polvere e sporco
animazioni: tasto x alza paracolpi
Funzione Erpicatura: attivandola è possibile rimuovere erba e allargare il campo. si attiva con tasto “o”
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Sicma cutter Farmer and cut grass
Credits : -template 3d by Bosco
– FS15 conversion by Peppe978
Work carried out for the conversion :
arranged 3d model , create texture , create particle animations , added dirt and dust
animations : x button raises bumpers
Harrowing function : activating it you can remove grass and broaden the field . It is activated by button ” or”
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Peppe978 – Bosco89
Modello: Bosco89
Struttura: Peppe978 –Bosco89
Idea / Concept:
Tester: Peppe978
Altro: Peppe978
17 Apr 08:15Version 1.0
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