American: Freightliner 114SD, Pacific P16, Western Star 6400XD TS, International Paystar 5070, Hummer H2, Cat CT680, Cat 745C, Ford CLT9000, Derry Longhorn 3194(Oshkosh M911 8x8), Derry Longhorn 5420 (Oshkosh M1070A1), Navistar 5000, Royal BM17.
Russian: Azov 4220 Antarctic, Tuz 420 Tatarin, Zikz 5368.
Adds: Suspension, Tire, Engine, and Winch Options.
New Feature: B-Class Trucks, All trucks buy-able in US.
Enables: Optional DiffLocks and AWD on Type-B. | Permanent DiffLocks and AWD on Type-C.
This mod is a Work In Progress.
/To be Added More Trucks, More Options, More Addons/
Created by: Zer0FoxxGiven & TheRandomFoxx
I work during the week, so updates are delayed till the weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun EST). Sorry.
(Updateing will be slower) Zer0FoxxGiven is now the lead modder, as TheRandomFoxx is no longer modding.
If problems with updating occur go to your: \Documents\My Games\SnowRunner\base\Mods\.modio\mods\120140 and manually delete file all files EXCEPT "fox_trucks_106" & "modio".
14 Jul 04:59Version 1.0.7
Adds Voron Grad (Ural Next)
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