Ford F750 W77 (DLC required)

V 1.0.1 mod for SnowRunner

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This is my tuned version of the old Ford F750 (custom sounds). The DLC Ford F-750 IS REQUIRED TO RUN THIS MOD!

I don't make mods which has all parameters overdone, I prefer to make reasonably realistic mods which have technical parameters nearing to real one tuned trucks. In other hand some people want have strong engine, some times too strong, considering that i decided to put modern engine inside the mod (us_modern_scoute_engine) I also left untouched: 6-speed gearbox and strongest engine 6.6L.

List of changes compared to the original:

- New custom engine sounds

- 2 New engines

- Added 5-speed offroad gearbox

- Added 4-speed snowrunner gearbox

- Handbrake on all axles

- Added more wheels in bigger size (and rims)

- Increased fuel capacity to 150L

- Added 4 more bumpers

- Changed wheels distances

- Added more colours

- Improved gearbox parameters

- Improved suspensions parameters

- Improved physics

DO NOT STEAL MY MODS OR REUPLOAD THEM! I DO NOT AGREE TO USE ANY FILES OF MY MODS IN YOURS WITHOUT MY AGREEMENT. I worked hard to make this mod, many days of work only at sound mixing, next finding out the optimal physical parameters for the vehicle and other works including many days of testing... SO PLEASE DON'T RIP THEM TWEAK THEM OR COPY.


  • 30 Jan 17:35
    Version 1.0.1

    first release


20.01 2021
Modhoster user rating
3.0 / 2 Votes


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Abonniere Ford F750 W77 (DLC required)
Der Mod wird automatisch beim nächsten Start von SnowRunner installiert.
26.5 MB 263

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