FlatOut Farm 4X

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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24/02/2024 19:55 UK Time Map Update, No new game required

FS22 FlatOut Farm 4X PC map, I ended up creating the farmers market as a placeable, some placeable streetlights, adding ground shading decals to most of the existing placeable yards, fixed collision on the BGA hopper conveyor so the player can get to the collectable at the top, created a new luxury placeable house, created a stones buy point, added stones and some extras to the supply silo's, balanced some prices in the economy and speeded up the TMR mixer and a boat load of other things. The modDesc version moves to 78 and the map version moves to V1.0.0.4. NO NEW SAVE is required.


07/02/2024 19:30PM UK Time Map Update, No new game required.

Moves to V1.0.0.3, fixes map mod icon in mods, updates loading screen, balances my greenhouse productions, fixes manure heap link to pig pen and fixes the purchase trigger for the farms fuel tank storage.


04/02/2024 16:55pm Small Update, No new game required.

Moves to V1.0.0.2, locks productions from the missions as they can't handle the amounts produced from the larger fields. straw amount fixed on the cowbarn, water trigger loading speed improved, many production speeds and capacities increased.


04/02/2024 extra BT Cloud download link added.


The map is 4X in size and is what I was working on when I stopped and released the FS22 My Lands 4X player creation pc map. The farm yard is huge, central to the map, everything is removable, all needed productions and storage are located on the farm and it has all animals except horses. 4 large fields are included to get you going and it's supplied with various machinery. You Also own Frankies Farm to the South West. All other productions are moved to the maps ring road which creates the maximum space for the actual farming side of things and there's plenty of placeable areas as well. The map has a few extra fruits, is premium dlc ready and has many custom features. As with all my maps it does not support any maize plus mods, and the map needs a high lod setting overshoot in your games advanced graphics settings to look its best. Kindest regards Stevie.


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  • 04 Mar 18:47

    02/03/2024 17:50 UK Time Map Update, No new game required.
    This update adds 4 new placables, 2 single bungalows with yards, 1 industrial yard and one remote vehicle yard with 2 sheds. It corrects a few floating objects and a sunken car on the placeable house rows, and adjusts some prices mainly for silage, tmr, lime and stones.

  • 24 Feb 21:35


24.02 2024
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2 Comments for FlatOut Farm 4X

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  1. Lepo_Qashi 19. 04 2024

    Hallo Stevie,

    ich habe mal eine Frage zu den Feldern und vielleicht auch den Fahrzeugen. Bei mir ist es so, wenn ich mit einem Grubber oder Pflug die Felder um den Hof bearbeiten möchte (mit einem Helfer), dann gibt es große Probleme, da der Helfer nicht erkennt, wann das Feld endet. Kann man da noch was machen?

  2. hekuweb 27. 02 2024

    Hallo Stevie,

    zunächst vielen Dank für deine Karte. Sie gefällt mir gut, vor allem auch die tolle
    Da mein Englisch nicht so gut ist, kannst du mir vielleicht sagen was der Mod Large Meridian Farm Supplies bedeutet.
    Beim ersten starten der Karte habe ich Autodrive die Kurse automatisch berechnen lassen. Leider gibt es auf den Hauptstraßen mal Linksverkehr und mal Rechtsverkehr. Vielleicht könntest du das noch korrigieren.
    Viele Grüße, Kulle
