Fendt 936

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Fendt 936Fendt

in green: D

general adjustments.

Trelleborg tires in red

- Dynamic Exhausting system

- Power Shaft Attacher

- Wheel Particle System

- 100% Multiplayerfahig

- Log error free

- lag free


I'm still looking for 3D Modellbauernmit experience in this field,

So if anyone is interested to realize together a few nice projects, simply log times: D

----------------------------------- It is forbidden to re-upload this mod, also not in changed form!
Please use the original download link in other forums !!!!!!!

It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in an altered form!
Please use the original download link!

Draudžiama? kelti š? mod v? l, net pakitusiu pavidalu!
Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod?

Zabrania si? wgra? th mod Jeszcze, nawet w zmienionej Formi!
prosze? u? ywa? oryginalnego link Thurs pobrania!

The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zm 'n' shape né?
Please get použijte p? vodní odkaz ke stažení!


Es ist untersagt diesen Mod neu hochzuladen, auch nicht in veränderter Form!
Bitte nutzt den originalen download-Link auch in anderen foren !!!!!!!

It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in an altered form!
Please use the original download link!

Draudžiama ?kelti š? mod v?l, net pakitusiu pavidalu!
Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod?!

Zabrania si? wgra? ten mod jeszcze, nawet w zmienionej formie!
Prosz? u?ywa? oryginalnego link do pobrania!

Je zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zm?n?né form?!
Prosím použijte p?vodní odkaz ke stažení!

  • 25 Aug 21:48
    Version 2.0


checksum: 1c713289588bedac3bc209f184ecbdbb
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Lordtex
price in shop: 360000 LS
name in shop: Fendt936 MP Version
description in shop: Fendt936 MP Version
Aenderung by Lordtex
Orginalmodell Giants

25.08 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.74 / 19 Votes


nach 29 Stimmen

Do you think this mod should be featured?

V 2.0
Farming Simulator 2011
8.67 MB 8929
25. 08 2011 8,929

1 Comments for Fendt 936

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  1. freak55 06. 09 2011

    auf bild drei ust es die nordeifel map.die map is spitze,echt!
