Federal Fleet Capital Ship Carrier

V 1.0 mod for Space Engineers

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Federal Carrier / Mobile base. Front and Rear hanger bay, rover garage with ramp programmed to the doors, man lift, retractable landing gear, medical bay, galley, crew quarters, engine room,engineering space access, full bridge. Ship has a gravity drive for fwd and reverse while in 0 gravity environment to minimize ion thrusters. Gravity drive controls are in contral tab 8. D pad up is forward and D pad down is reverse. Make sure to not turn on artificial gravity from contral tab 3 when using gravity drive. Ship is capable of atmosphere flight as well as space flight and is equipped with jump drives. Ship is not armed, but has a light armored ion fighter, and heavy armored hydrogen gun ship along with a small ion miner a small atmospheric miner, a hydrogen exploration ship, and a generic rover. Make sure to raise garage ramp, elevator, and landing gear before take off. Red lights in the bridge will let you now what needs raised. Lots of control tabs on this ship to learn.


  • 27 Jul 21:02
    Version 1.0


22.07 2020
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