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Do you want to play with fast plant growth when you’ve turned off the seasonal cycles?
Then you can play on Fast Beyleron.
The Fast Beyleron map works like an independent map, but is the original Haut Beyleron, only with changed settings for plant growth.
With seasonal growth turned off, all crops on Fast Beyleron will ripen within a day.
Like in older LS versions, you can harvest every day and let your farm grow quickly.
Then you can play on Fast Beyleron.
The Fast Beyleron map works like an independent map, but is the original Haut Beyleron, only with changed settings for plant growth.
With seasonal growth turned off, all crops on Fast Beyleron will ripen within a day.
Like in older LS versions, you can harvest every day and let your farm grow quickly.
This is how you can use the Fast Beyleron Mod to play on the Haut Beyleron with fast plant growth:
- Start a new savegame.
- Select “Fast Beyleron” as the map.
- Make the other settings as usual.
- You come to the Original Haut Beyleron, but with rapid plant growth if you switch off seasonal growth.
- Go to the menu and switch off the seasonal growth in the Seasonal cycles area.
- After sowing in a field, that crop will be ready for harvest the next day.
06 Dec 17:15Version 1.1
06.12 2021
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06. 12 2021
2 Comments for Fast Beyleron
geht überhaupt nicht nicht zu empfehlen
Moin, ich habe folgendes Problem, wenn ich alle Spiele eingesammelt habe die man findet und dann abspeichere und am nächsten Tag oder ein paar Stunden, die Map wieder lade sind alle Videospiele wieder da, es nervt, kann man das abschalten oder was muß ich tun, damit die Spiele beim nächsten Spielstart nicht wieder alle sammeln muss.