The pack contains 4 stables, a hay dryer, a farm fuel station and a farm silo. More stables will be added soon
Version 1.0.10
- Kuhstall 07 I idiot installed the feeding robot twice --> removed one (drank too much hop fizz)
- Hoftankstelle v1 installed
- Farmsilo v1 installed
You can block all buildings on your map! You don't have to ask me for a release for that :winking_face:
Important!!! -> After placing the stables: save and restart LS (otherwise there will be problems with the placeable heaps of manure...)
This farm pack contains:
- two cowsheds with built-in feeding robot
- a cowshed without a feeding robot
- a pigsty without a feeding robot
- a hay drying
- a farm petrol station
- a farm silo
More stables and halls will be added soon.
11 Jul 18:29Version
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