This farm silos that can also contain the necessary to be able to produce the mixed ration of the animals. Put the trailer to the unloading area and after enter to the silo, with using the icon placed near of the silo, you have the possibility to checked the state of mixed ration and you can choice to start or stop to unloading the content of the silo. To preserve the total mixed ration, you have to put the load of the silos with the mixer wagon in the silos without the mixer wagon.!!Issues!! [CANT FIX] When save the game, it's not possible to save the load of the farm silos with mixer wagon for total mixed ration.Farm Silos with mixer wagon for create the Total Mixed RationSmall and Large version!!Important!! Please place only on self-levelled terrain!Price: Small version 110.000 € - Large version 180.000 €Maintenance: Small version 45 € - Large version 60 €Capacity: Small version 100.000 l - Large version 250.000 €Farm Silos without mixer wagon for preserve the Total Mixed RationSmall and Large versionPrice: Small version 110.000 € - Large version 180.000 €Maintenance: Small version 45 € - Large version 60 €Capacity: Small version 100.000 l - Large version 250.000 €Changelog: added new silos to preserve the total mixed ration, when starting the last saved game.
22 Jul 07:22Version 1.0
by Lykanthrop87
ago over 4 years
by Lykanthrop87
ago over 4 years
by Lykanthrop87
ago over 4 years
by Lykanthrop87
ago over 4 years
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