Here is one more step toward completing what was missing for the female characters!
This Pack Is a Work in progress!
You May Request Missing Colors.
All The arts(png) in this pack are made by me Pancake Mike!
Simply drag (or Extract ) in your <<Gear>> Folder of Skater XL like any Custom Gear.
This is a Female only Shoes pack!
There were far too few choices available!
Note that you can rename the files to use them with male!
It is Prohibited to re-brand My work as yours unless otherwise approved by me Pancake Mike, CEO of Pancake Mike Skate CO.
This content is provided free of charge so please respect the time I invest in making new Textures that were not available prior!!
First order : Go make some Rave Ready Characters!
Order no2: Have fun!
I will add more shoes eventually.
The whole process is a bit time consuming. I have to figure a technique then re apply it on as many design as I felt like!
01 Aug 08:03Version 1.0.0a
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