FalkenhausenV2.2 Final

V 2.2 Final mod for Farming Simulator 19

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???????????? Falkenhausen V2.2 / LS19 Final ????????????





For the V2.2 / LS19 Finals will be a NEW Savegame(MP) is required.

Support is only available in our Discord.








???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????


???? There **must** be 8 farms**(MP) created ????

Farm 1 must be purchased with the first farm created,

Farm 2 must be bought with the second farm created, etc.

**if this is not done, the FarmIDs are not correct as intended!**






Actually we didn't want to bring a version anymore but we decided to do it anyway, we still changed one or two things, so we will release the V2.2 Final LS19 release.

Some stuff has been added and also changed, check it out it's definitely worth it, and have mercy it's my first map.


If you have any other stuff or requests for LS22 then feel free to tell us in our Discord.







This map may not be published under any other name (link).


Have fun team Falkenhausen


Vorab schon mal ein danke an folgende Modder für die freigabe, und hoffen das wir auch in LS22 auf den ein oder anderen Modder zurückgreifen können.



ZoddelZockt-Mods/ Produktionen

CJ Farming / CJ Systeme/ Silo & Hallen



Edward's Modding/ Moderne Wohnhaus

Wippmann/ Produktion

Team IWMM / Tankstelle

FarmerAndy/Siemu/ Hühnerstall

  • 08 Oct 09:45
    Version 2.2 Final


08.10 2021
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noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.2 Final
Farming Simulator 19
1.47 GB 2585
08. 10 2021 2,585

1 Comments for FalkenhausenV2.2 Final

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  1. alterjojo 25. 01 2022

    Kann keine Baüme fällen weil ich das land nicht kaufen kann

    1 replies
