#Expanded Terror Reworked by hellrazor
#Based upon the work of luke83 which made all this lovely maps
Credits go to:
- hellrazor for reworking and bugfixing
- luke83 the original maker of this mod
- Hobbes for compatible MADECOR.MCD
Requiered: openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355 or newer
The times of the usuability for Lukes Expanded Terror Missionsis is back again,
running trimmed and finely on the newest github code from OpenXcom.
To be honest, the old Maps had some serious quircks, wrong placed
wall tiles, not connected route nodes, wrong asigned spawn points and so forth.
This Version comes with a overworked Route/Node Network, it also has the cellars
removed, since they caused more trouble then they were worth it.
Since i adapted those Maps for my Hardmode Expansion Mod, i decided to also release them
as a standalone Mod, so people can try them out and enjoy them once more.
The Maps are now also compatible with MADURBAN Terrain from the Terrain Pack,
so they will probably find there way into it.
#Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked by hellrazor, luke83
Intall instructions:
- Go to your Mod folder and delete the old "Expanded_Terror_Reworked" directory.
- Extract Zip file
- Copy over the directory "Expanded_Terror_Reworked" in your user mods directory.
- Active "Expanded_Terror_Reworked" under Mods
Requiered: openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355
15 Jul 04:48Version v1.2
Version 1.2
- Fix Route Node on EXPANDEDTERROR21
- Fix missing LOFTS for some Tiles in MADDECOR.MCD
- Fix some minor Errors with wrong placed Tiles
- Replaced Tiles due to MCD conversion
- Removed FRNL83.MCD and replaced with FRNITURE and MADDECOR
- Removed Copies of vanilla Maps
- Reworked Mapscript
Version 1.1
- Fix Crash because of unvanilla Civilians in the Terrain definitionVersion 1.0
- Converted old Ruleset to new mapscripting standard
- Resized MAPs and removed cellars
- MAP routing/nodes check, fix and rework where neccessary
- Fix wrong placed wall tiles in a varienty of MAPs
- Adjust ruleset to changes in: openxcom_git_master_2015_07_28_1355
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