This script introduces a mixing time for all mixer wagons.
Each mixer wagon now requires 2 minutes and 10 seconds to fully mix the total mixed ration, provided the mixing ratio is correct. The mixing time is influenced by the in-game time scale.
The mixer wagon must be turned on for the process to begin. If additional material is added during mixing, the process resets to 70% completion if it was already over 95%. The mixer wagon must be turned on again before unloading into the feeding trough.
If the mixing ratio is incorrect or the mixing time has not completed, the wagon contains forage (with straw, forage stretched). This can still be used for feeding, but it is less effective than a properly mixed total mixed ration.
Bales must also be dissolved by turning on the mixer wagon.
Unfinished total mixed ration is treated as grass in the stable feeding trough.
For Modders:
You can disable this script for specific mixer wagons if needed. Add the following line to your vehicle.xml:
<enhancedMixerWagon mixingTime="0"/>
(Remove any spaces after "<".)
This sets the required mixing time to 0. You can also adjust the mixing time in seconds as needed.
11 Mar 15:45Version
by madusen876
ago 8 days
by madusen876
ago 8 days
by madusen876
ago 8 days
by madusen876
ago 8 days
by madusen876
ago 8 days
by madusen876
ago 8 days
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