Elixr Mods

V 1.5.2 mod for ECO

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Elixr Mods - Mega Mod Pack!

This Modkit comes with so many features and items! Bundled With Realistic Smelting AND ClaysToolkit!

Join Our discord for bug reports and suggestions, all the latest info in regards to our mods!

Discord: https://discord.gg/jWzu8bZ

This Modpack Consists for 3 Modpacks: Decorative Pack, Convenience Pack, Features Kit!
Here is whats included in each pack! (Don't want parts of the modpack? just remove the corresponding DLL!)

This modpack has been tested and fully works with NIDS Server Toolbox - These two Combined Make one Powerful Modpack

Deco Pack:

Tansportation (em-transportation.dll)

Item Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Names
Ahead Sign Boards(8) Iron Ingot(4) Blue Dye(2) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Ahead Sign"
Bench (Park Bench Type) Lumber(20) Iron(4) Rivet(20) Brown Dye(3) Lumber 3 - Sawmill "/give Bench"
Customer Parking Sign Boards(8) Iron(4) Blue Dye(2) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Customer Parking Sign"
Keep Left Sign Boards(8) Iron(4) Blue Dye(2) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Keep Left Sign"
Keep Right Sign Boards(8) Iron(4) Blue Dye(2) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Keep Right Sign"
Metal Road Barrier Iron(20) Smelting 3 - Anvil "/give Road Barricade"
Stop Sign Boards(8) Iron(4) Red Dye(2) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Stop Sign"
Traffic Cone Cloth(15) Cellulose Fiber(10) Orange Dye(2) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Traffic Cone"
Water Tank Barrier Concrete(5) Red Dye(5) Bucket Of Water(5) Cement 0 - Cement Kiln "/give Water Tank Barrier"
White Water Tank Barrier Concrete(5) Grey Dye(5) Bucket Of Water(5) Cement 0 - Cement Kiln "/give White Water Tank Barrier"
Roadline Cloth(5) Grey Dye(1) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Roadline"
Double Roadline Cloth(5) Grey Dye(1) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Double Roadline"
Crossing Roadline Cloth(5) Grey Dye(1) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Crossing Roadline"
Road Barricade Lumber(5) Black Dye(2) Yellow Dye(2) Lumber 1 - Carpentry Table "/give Road Barricade"

Home Objects (em-homeobjects.dll)

Item Recipe Skill Required/ Crafting Table Give Names
Double Wood Door Log(12) Glass(44) Hewing 0 - Carpentry Table "/give Double Wood Door"
Elegant Door Log(8) Hewing 0 - Carpentry Table "/give Elegant Door"
Stained Glass Door Iron(6) Glass(4) Green Dye(2) Smelting 0 - Anvil "/give Stained Glass Door"
Stained Glass Double Door Iron(12) Glass(8) Green Dye(4) Smelting 0 - Anvil "/give Stained Glass Double Door"
Kings Bed Bed Frame(1) Cloth(100) Tailor 6 - Tailoring Table "/give Kings Bed"
Bed Frame Lumber(50) Rivet(50) Lumber 4 - Sawmill "/give Bed Frame"
Painting Of Clouds Iron(2) Cloth(20) Blue Dye(2) Green Dye(2) Grey Dye(2) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Painting Of Clouds"
Painting Of Mountains Iron(1) Cloth(10) Brown Dye(2) Blue Dye(2) Yellow Dye(2) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give Painting Of Mountains"
Metal Sliding Window Iron(10) Glass(4) Smelting 1 - Anvil "/give Metal Sliding Window"
Wooden Sliding Window Board(8) Glass(4) Hewing 3 - Carpentry Table "/give Wooden Sliding Window"
CTKFlag Plant Fibers(50) Cloth(5) Iron(5) Tailor 1 - Tailoring Table "/give ClaysTK Flag"
Bedroom Dresser Lumber(40) Cloth(20) Tailor 5 - Tailoring Table "/give Bedroom Dresser"
Bedroom Chest Lumber(25) Cloth(20) Leather Hide(10) Tailor 2 - Tailoring Table "/give Bedroom Chest"
Bedroom Small Dresser Lumber(25) Cloth(20) Tailor 2 - Tailoring Table "/give Bedroom Small Dresser"

Arch's (em-arches.dll)

Item Recipe Skill Required/ Crafting Table Give Names
Stone Arch Door(3.5x3.5) Stone(70) Mortar(30) Mortaring 4 - Masonry Table "/give Stone Arch Door"
Mortaredstone Arch Door Mortaredstone(70) Mortar(30) Mortaring 4 - Masonry Table "/give Mortaredstone Arch Door"
Sandstone Arch Door Mortared Sandstone(70) Mortar(30) Mortaring 4 - Masonry Table "/give Sandstone Arch Door"
Granite Arch Door Mortared Granite(70) Mortar(30) Mortaring 4 - Masonry Table "/give Granite Arch Door"
Limestone Arch Door Mortared Limestone(70) Mortar(30) Mortaring 4 - Masonry Table "/give Limestone Arch Door"
Stone Arch(4x4) Stone(50) Mortar(20) Mortaring 1 - Masonry Table "/give Stone Arch"
Mortaredstone Arch(4x4) MortaredStone(40) Mortar(20) Mortaring 5 - Masonry Table "/give Mortaredstone Arch"
Sandstone Arch(4x4) MortaredSandstone(40) Mortar(20) Mortaring 5 - Masonry Table "/give Sandstone Arch"
Granite Arch(4x4) MortaredGranite(40) Mortar(20) Mortaring 5 - Masonry Table "/give Granite Arch"
Limestone Arch(4x4) Limestone(40) Mortar(20) Mortaring 5 - Masonry Table "/give Limestone Arch"
Double Stone Arch(8x4) Stone(100) Mortar(40) Mortaring 1 - Masonry Table "/give Double Stone Arch"

Glass (em-windows.dll)

Item Colour's Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Name
Stained Glass Window(1x1) red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, purple Coloured Glass(5) Frame(1) Glassworking 2 - Glassworking Table "/give Stained Glass Window"
"/give *Colour* Stained Glass Window"
Large Stained Glass Window(2x2) red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, purple Coloured Stained Glass Window(10) Large Frame(1) Glassworking 3 - Glassworking Table "/give Large Stained Glass Window"
"/give Large *Colour* Stained Glass Window"
Tall Stained Glass Window(2x1) red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, purple Coloured Stained Glass Window(5) Tall Frame(1) Glassworking 2 - Glassworking Table "/give Tall Stained Glass Window"
"/give Tall *Colour* Stained Glass Window"
Long Stained Glass Window(1x2) red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, purple Coloured Stained Glass Window(5) Long Frame(1) Glassworking 2 - Glassworking Table "/give Long Stained Glass Window"
"/give Long *Colour* Stained Glass Window"
Frame n/a Log(5) Hewing 2 - Carpentry Table "/give Frame"
Large Frame n/a Log(12) Hewing 2 - Carpentry Table "/give Large Frame"
Tall Frame n/a Log(8) Hewing 2 - Carpentry Table "/give Large Frame"
Long Frame n/a Log(8) Hewing 2 - Carpentry Table "/give Large Frame"
Coloured Glass red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, grey, purple Sand(6) *Colour* Dye(2) Glassworking 0 - Kiln "/give *colour* Glass"
Glassworking Table n/a Log(20) Iron(25) Stone(30) Lumber 5 - Carpentry Table | Requires Fuel, Requires a Kiln "/give Glassworking Table"

Doors (em-doors.dll)

Item Recipe Skill Required/ Crafting Table Give Name
Sliding Door Grey Glass(10) Iron(5) Glassworking 4 - Glassworking Table "/give Sliding Door"
Great Hall Door Lumber(100) Iron(30) Lumber 4 - Carpentry Table "/give Great Hall Door"
Double Great Hall Door Lumber(100) Iron(30) Lumber 4 - Carpentry Table "/give Double Great Hall Door"
Elevator Door Iron(40) Screws(30) Circuit(10) Server(2) Copper Wiring(40) Electronics 2 - Electronics Assembly "/give Elevator Door"

Dyes (em-dyes.dll)

Item Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Name
Black Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Coal(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Black Dye"
Blue Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Huckleberries(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Blue Dye"
Brown Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Dirt(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Brown Dye"
Green Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Agave Leaves(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Green Dye"
Grey Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Grey Dye"
Orange Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Papaya(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Orange Dye"
Purple Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Fireweed Shoots(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Purple Dye"
Red Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Tomato(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Red Dye"
Yellow Dye Cloth(5) Plant Fibers(25) Paper(5) Bucket Of Water(1) Pineapple(5) Tailoring 2 - Dye Table "/give Yellow Dye"
Dye Table Stone(20) Mortar(10) Lumber(25) Bucket(10) Lumber 2 - Carpentry Table "/give Dye Table"
Hand Water Pump Mortaredstone(30) Hewn Log(20) Mortaring 5 - Masonry Table "/give Hand Water Pump"
Bucket Hewn Log(5) Hewing 0 - Carpentry Table "/give Bucket"
Bucket Of Water Bucket(1) Hand Water Pump "/give Bucket Of Water"

**Dyes are available for download for other modders to use in their mods as well!

you can download it here: https://eco-mods.com/resources/elixr-mods-dyes-pack.164/


Conv Pack:

Tailings Re-Smelting (tailingspack.dll): - Requires RealisticSmelting.dll + em-core-primary.unity3d

Re-Smelt Tailings Into Usable Items And Waste (Requires Level 7 Advanced Smelting):

Item Result Information Give Name
Tailings Recipe 10 Tailings = 4 Slag + 10 Iron Fragments/10 Copper Fragments n/a
Slag Byproduct From Smelting Tailings. "/give Slag"
Iron Fragments 100 = 1 Iron Ingot no tailings from this "/give Iron Fragments"
Copper Fragments 100 = 1 Copper Ingot no tailings from this "/give Copper Fragments"

Shipping Containers (shippingcontainers.dll): - Requires em-core-primary.unity3d
Big Shipping Containers used to store anything in them!

Item Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Name
Shipping Container | 2x2x6 | Item Tier (2) | Acts as a wall 15 Iron Plates, 10 Screws Requires Mechanics - Made in the Machinist Table "/give Shipping Container"
Steel Shipping Container | 3x3x9 - Item Tier (3) | Acts as a wall 15 Steel Plates, 10 Steel Requires Industry - Made In The Rolling Mill "/give Steel Shipping Container"

Realistic Smelting (realisticsmelting.dll) - Requires orewashingmod.unity3d

Item Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Name
Charcoal Recipe Log(45) Advanced Smelting 0 - Blast Furnace "/give Charcoal"
Ore Washing Machine Iron Ingot 1 Smelting 0 - Anvil "/give Ore Washer"
Slag to Concrete Recipe Stone 30, Slag 10 Cement 0 - Cement Kiln n/a
Washed Iron Ore Iron Ore 20 | Gives 1 Washed Ore, 2 Tailings Smelting 0 - Ore Washer "/give Washed Iron Ore"
Iron Ore Recipe 1 1 Washed Iron Ore | Gives Slag 2, Iron Ingot 1 Smelting 0 - Blast Furnace
Iron Ore Recipe 2 1 Washed Iron Ore | Gives 1 Iron Ingot, 2 Slag Smelting 0 - Bloomery
Washed Copper Ore Copper Ore 20 | Gives 1 Washed Ore, 2 Tailings Smelting 0 - Ore Washer "/give Washed Copper Ore"
Copper Ore Recipe 1 1 Washed Copper Ore | Gives 1 Copper Ingot, 2 Slag Smelting 0 - Blast Furnace
Copper Ore Recipe 2 1 Washed Copper Ore | Gives 1 Copper Ingot, 2 Slag Smelting 0 - Bloomery
Washed Gold Ore Gold Ore 20 | Gives 1 Washed Gold Ore, 2 Tailings Smelting 0 - Ore Washer "/give Washed Gold Ore"
Gold Ore Recipe 1 1 Washed Gold Ore | Gives 1 Copper Ingot, 2 Slag Smelting 0 - Blast Furnace
Gold Ore Recipe 2 1 Washed Gold ore | Gives 1 Copper Ingot, 2 Slag Smelting 0 - Bloomery

Green Energy (em-greenenergy.dll) - Requires em-base.dll + em-greenenergy.unity3d + em-core-secondary.unity3d

Item Recipe Skill Required/Crafting Table Give Name
Daylight Sensor (Wall) Circuit 7, Plastic 15, Gold Ingot 8 Electronics 0 - Electronics Assembly "/give Daylight Sensor - Wall"
Daylight Sensor (Floor) Circuit 1, Plastic 4, Gold Ingot 3 Electronics 0 - Electronics Assembly "/give Daylight Sensor - Floor"
Proximity Sensor (Wall) Circuit 8, Plastic 20, Iron Ingot 16 Electronics 4 - Electronics Assembly "/give Proximity Sensor - Wall"
Proximity Sensor (Ceiling) Circuit 1, Plastic 4, Iron Ingot 1 Electronics 0 - Electronics Assembly "/give Proximity Sensor - Ceiling"
Motion Sensor (Wall) Circuit 8, Plastic 20, Iron Ingot 16 Electronics 4 - Electronics Assembly "/give Motion Sensor - Wall"
Motion Sensor(Ceiling) Circuit 1, Plastic 4, Iron Ingot 1 Electronics 4 - Electronics Assembly "/give Motion Sensor - Ceiling"
Hydro Meter(not implemented)
Natural Gas (not implemented)
Propane Tanks(not implemented)
Batteries(Not implemented)


Features Kit:

Administration (em-admin.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Name Information Usage
AFK Module Afk Checking Module to boot players after x amount of time "/afk-timer "
"/afk-on"- Turn AFK Module on
"/afk-off"- Torn AFK Module Off
Un Claim All Un-Claim All The land owned by the Player name "/unclaim-all "
TP Here Teleport Other Players to you with much more ease "/tp-here "
Meteor Toggle Toggle the Meteor from in game "/meteor-on" Turn The Meteor On
"/meteor-off" Turn The Meteor Off

Easy Commands (em-commands.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Name Information Usage
Last Online Check when a player was last online easily "/lastonline "
Player Stats Check a players stats out - Tells you if they are an admin, dev, online time, Food point rate etc "/stats "
Election Check See who the current leader is and if the election is running or not "/Election"
Rules This apart of it, but mostly not used given the new system that we are brining out
Version Check to see what version of our kit you are using when reporting bugs etc "/version"
Online Displays a list of online citizens "/online"
Admins Displays a list of all admins on the server "/admins" - Full List of Admins
Top 10 Players Displays the top 10 players according to Activeness/Richness "/top active"
"/top rich"

Home Module (em-home.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Name Information Usage
Set Home Set a home point "/home-add "
Set Home Warp Cost Set the cost to warp home in calories "/home-cost x"
Set Max Homes Maximum number of homes players can have "/home-maxhomes x"
Set Home Warp Daily Limit Set how many times players can warp home "/home-limit x"
Wipe Home Logs and Save Save and wipe the home logs - useful for server wipes "/wipe-homes"
Wipe Home Logs Wipe the home logs - Useful for server wipes "/wipe-homelogs"
Home List Get a list of all of your home warps "/home-list"
TP home Warp to one of your set homes "/home
Remove Set Home Remove one of your set homes "/home-remove

Shop Informatics (em-informatics.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Information Usage
Global Item Prices Get a list of a selected item being sold at every shop in the server "/prices "

Player Jokes (em-jokes.dll) - Requires em-base.dll
Play jokes on people or do simple text based actions (Players don't actually do any action its all text based)

Feature Information Usage
Slap a Player You can slap another player out of fun "/slap "
Punch a Player You can punch another player out of fun "/punch "
Wave at a Player You can wave at another player "/wave
Hug a Friend you can hug another player "/hug "
Jokes Get a random joke (caution, may not be funny) "/joke"
Adult Jokes Toggle the adult joke list to be on or off "/adult-jokes"
Suggestions Send us a joke you would like to see make the joke list "/suggest-joke "

Messages Of The Day! (em-motd.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Information Usage
MOTD Timer Set how often the MOTD are sent in seconds "/motd-interval xx"
Fast / Slow Mode Fast mode - Messages Show up and leave Quickly | Slow Mode - Messages Appear Slower and take longer to leave "/motd-mode fast"
"/motd-mode slow"
On / Off The motd should auto start with the server, but will turn the MOTD system on or off "/motd-on"
MOTD List Get a list of all the MOTD you have set "/motd-list"
Add a MOTD Add another MOTD to your list "/motd-add " - See Note Below!
Remove a MOTD Remove a MOTD from the list by its ID "/motd-remove x"
Send The Next Message Skip the timer and send the next message in the list now! "/motd-send"

**Note: When adding a new motd do not use "," as this will break the motd, you must type it all in a single sentence or use "!" per break, alternatively you can edit the .json file where the motd is stored, this requires a restart and to be saved in the file format that it was opened in**

Teleport To Players/TP/TPA (em-tp.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Information Usage
Wipe Logs Wipe the TP Logs and resets daily limits "/wipe-tp"
TP Cost Set how many Calories it cost to TP "/tp-cost x"
TP Time Limits Set the time limit players have to accept the TP Request in seconds "/tp-expiry x"
Cooldowns Set how long between each tp request a player has to wait in seconds "/tp-cooldown x"
Teleport Send a teleport request to another player "/tp "
Teleport Accept Accept the teleport request from another player "/tpa"

Warp Points (em-warp.dll) - Requires em-base.dll

Feature Information Usage
Warp VIA Signs (under development) Admins can place down signs and players can right click them to teleport to the set warp point In the signs text: "warp to "
Set Warp Points Set a point for players to be able to warp to - Such as Town Centres and Spawn Points "/warp-add "
Warp Warp to one of the set warp points "/warp "
Remove Warp Points Remove any of the added warp points "/warp-remove "
Toggle Warping (under development) Turn the ability to use the warps on or off "/warp-toggle"
Cooldowns Set a cooldown for the warp ability in seconds | Accepts 0 for no cooldown "/warp-cooldown x"
Warp Cost Set a cost for using the warp feature in Calories | Accepts 0 for no cost "/warp-cost x"
Warp Point List Get a list of all the warp points "/warp-list"


  • 15 Jul 04:52
    Version 1.5.2

    V 1.5.2

    Added -:

    Auto Doors config
    "autodoors-on" Turns Auto Doors On
    "autodoors-off" Turns Auto Doors Off

    "autodoor-distance" Set the detection range for small auto doors ( anything smaller then the large lumber door and the grand hall door)
    "largeautodoor-distance" Set the detection range for Lage auto doors

    Chicken to zymology!
    Raw Chicken
    Chicken Drumstics (Cooked and raw)
    Chicken Wings (cooked and raw)
    Roast Chicken

    Negative effects for eating raw chicken! (loss of calories)

    Changes -:

    Mass Balance to the Zymology mod!

    Changed cost's of making food, there is alot of changes to many to list (Some food now produce more items for the same ammount or require less products to make food)
    Changed Nutrition Vaules

    Multiple Recipes added for alot of the zymology items! you can now use these on different teir stoves with different costs as well!

    Updated Realistic Smelting to the latest:
    Includes Ore Sifting ( Sift for ore through stone!)

    Changed Version to output V1.5.2 instead of V1.5

    Bug Fixes -:

    Sake and Coffee Beans now have an icon
    Removed Fermenting Barrel Minimap icon
    AFK Config Reload Text


25.08 2019
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