For the great progress E-303:
I once made the engine a bit more, as well as a sound update.
He has now cutting / -Arbeits and road noise that fit as I find him,
and bubbles no longer so monotonous to himself when he travels across the field and works.
Oh yes, he has now also indoor sound. :-)
Before updating please backup of the original file "" make!
Quick Start Guide:
The CONTENTS of downloads just inside copy in the mod.
(Works only with Winrar)
Detailed guide:
Download unzip into a new folder named Sound update on the HD.
Unpack E303 mod into a new folder with name E303Update on the HD.
Delete the folder "Sound" in E303Update folder.
Copy contents of the folder Sound Update and insert in E303Update. (Overwriting confirm with OK)
Now all >>> <<< CONTENTS of the folder E303Update again as a new zip file (* zip) pack.
The zipfile again give the old name (
and copy it back into the "mods" folder from the game.
Have fun with it!
Oh yes, you may like to thank wenns like. If only one click, and I know that it matters or they do not.
Who does not like it, simply re-securing the original file ""
copy in the mods folder, confirm overwrite and everything is back as it was before.
Thanks to all modders, and the things I've used or could have used.
03 Sep 08:20Version 1.2
Drehrichtung der Cutter-Förderschnecke gefixt
Camera gefixt (kein Blick mehr unter die Map)
Real Indoorsound verbessert.
Arbeitsgeräusch des Cutters angepasst an Indoorlautstärke
Alle Sounds in Mono konvertiert. -
02 Sep 15:14Version 1.0
checksum: | 024eb9a10d50892961ca5462bebb3d19 |
Version: | 1.2 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | vasilisvasilis31 |
price in shop: | 3000 LS |
name in shop: | Fortschritt E302 |
description in shop: |
autor vasilisvasilis31
Soundupdate: keinschnee |
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