Makes Field prices more interesting. It might make sense to look out for good deals instead of always buying the closest land.
Some NPCs are more greedy than others and their economic situation changes over time influencing the prices as well.
An extra 10% is added when buying or selling a field. This will strongly limit field flipping.
Prices change once per day. The difference to the base price in percent is shown when buying land.
For more detailed information check out the project on github. (Google FS22_DynamicFieldPrices)
- Older Changes are irrelevant because of new display style
- v1.0.1.0
* Changed price difference diplay to be more streamlined and work better with modmaps
* Thanks to BetterContracts for the inspiration
- v1.0.1.1
* Added compatibility for BetterContracts
* Displays and price factors are merged
* Discounts are multiplicative (-10% DFP, -10% BC -> -19%)
- v1.0.1.2
* Fixed GUI bugs
- v1.0.2.0
* All settings can now be adjusted via the ingame menu
* Some values are now saved differently in the xml. Old savegames are automatically converted.
* PL, BR, PT Translations
01 Sep 16:08Version
14 Mar 20:20Version 1.0
by PandastiK
ago over 1 year
by PandastiK
ago over 1 year
by PandastiK
ago over 1 year
by PandastiK
ago over 1 year
by W_A_R_M_U_U_H
ago over 1 year
by W_A_R_M_U_U_H
ago over 1 year
1 Comments for Dynamic Field Prices
Hallo ich habe auch ein Problem mit dem Mod gerade. Bei mir ist es ähnlich wie bei Andre_NMB nur das er beim 2. mal Laden gestartet wird und ins spiel komme. Dafür wird mir kein Menü mehr ab da richtig angezeigt und ich kann weder was kaufen noch das spiel beenden da ich in den Menüs nichts anklicken kann.